To start or to not to start, that is the aspiring entrepreneur’s question

Many books on startups and business talk about how there are right and wrong reasons for starting a business. So, we asked a handful of successful founders about their reasons and the thought-process behind starting their business.
The short version: I was looking for somewhere I could share the music I loved with people I hoped would love it too. I couldn’t find one, so I built it. The (slightly) longer version: Music has been a throughline in my life. One of my earliest pictures is of me in front of our stereo, oversized headphones on, lost in sound. Later, I was that kid who always made mixtapes for people. And to check every stereotypical box, I was in a band during high school. That ended early due to a lack of talent and too much stage fright, but I’d also started writing in the meantime. Read more>>
Thought Process Behind Starting the JCHIC LifeStyle® Agency Almost 12 years ago, I embarked on a journey to create something truly unique in the business world. My vision was to establish an agency that seamlessly blends business expertise in PR and marketing with image and travel, providing our brand guests with a one-of-a-kind experience. I wanted to fill a gap in the market by offering luxury services of PR, marketing and image consulting with a white glove feel, where every detail is meticulously curated to exceed expectations. Read more>>
I began teaching yoga in 2018, and having been in the yoga space since 2014. I’ve witnessed the incredible impact of the practice on students (myself included), and admired the leadership of the women who opened and ran the studios at which I worked and practiced. While the studios provided an inclusive and accessible environment to move and breathe as a community, I noticed a significant gap in the market for accessible yoga retreats. Most retreats were 7-14 days long and priced well into the thousands, often ranging from $3,000-$5,000 per person, not including the travel costs to fly to said destinations. Read more>>
So many factors played into our thought process behind starting her own business.. Having both left careers; myself as a level, one trauma, nurse, downtown Seattle and Chloe as a stylist at a high end salon in a suburb of Seattle, we took a leap of faith uprooted our families and moved from Washington state to Tennessee in May 2021. Read more>>
When I released my first book in 2018, little did I know that it would mark the beginning of my journey into entrepreneurship. Starting my own business was never part of the plan; it simply evolved from my passion for writing. What began as a side hustle quickly transformed into a full-fledged writing company, offering services ranging from resume writing to tutoring college students on APA formatting and crafting formal letters for businesses. Read more>>
Starting my own business has always been a lifelong dream. I guess you could say it’s in my blood, thanks to two Italian immigrants who came to America in search of a better life. My grandpa on my dad’s side started a quaint neighborhood pasta shop nestled in the Bronx, New York and on my mom’s side, my grandpa created his own construction business that helped build the town of Ossining, New York. Throughout childhood, my dad was the ultimate hustler. Read more>>
Starting my own business came from years of working in the Emergency Department; I reached the point where I wanted to be able to help people proactively. I want to help people prevent illness, promote healthy living, and utilize a natural approach. I received encouragement from my husband while debating the idea; he was the final push in making the decision. Being a business owner allows me the freedom and ability to customize products to a client’s specific needs and goals. Read more>>
My thoughts were on becoming independent, making residual income, and spending more time with my children. Read more>>
I have had an entrepreneur mindset since I was a teenager. I have sold everything from Rainbow vacuums to life insurance. I have tried so many multi level marketing companies that it was unimaginable. I was sooo tired of all of them. I wanted to do something that I could be in control of. With the other businesses, if the people under me didn’t work, I didn’t receive any pay. I knew that I would work. I didn’t want my success to be based off of another person not doing anything. Read more>>
I worked for the local paper, selling print advertising and digital products. I could never retain advertisers because I had no control over the paper’s content. I knew I needed end-to-end control to create a brand-safe environment that advertisers would enjoy and appreciate. That is when I was inspired to start a free local magazine for readers supported by paid advertising. It has been a terrific journey! We just celebrated our 3rd anniversary. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting a business was pretty much full panic. It was covid times, the thought of owning a business was scary, terrified of doing the whole process of setting it up and complete worry of failing. Doesn’t sound like the thought process someone should have when starting a business. These last 7 years I have been working on myself to do stuff that makes me uncomfortable. So thankfully, I had 3 years under my belt to do the things that scare me. Read more>>
Being that my current business is my 4th business I have started, I have found one commonality amongst all my businesses that have been related to my thought process and urged me to move forward and start. There is a massive gap in the market to provide and serve our communities better. My name James, which means to shield and protect, and I often find my businesses solving a problem within a market to shield clients from unethical business practices currently occurring within that specific industry. Read more>>