We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Rosa Castano | Keynote Speaker & Workplace Well-Being Expert

Prior to marriage and having a child it was very easy to fill up my weeknights with networking events or activities. Especially living in a city as bustling as Nashville, I could easily could have found myself doing 3-4 networking events a week. Now I try to be more mindful of the things I say yes to. My time is much more precious and valuable. What is a nice to go to or a need to go to? I try to limit it to 1-2 a week and try to avoid back to back nights. Life runs easier when I am fully rested. Read more>>

Daisy Sellas | Musician and songwriter

Empathy. This past year has taught me that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who consider the feelings of others and those who don’t. I only want to surround myself with people who have both the self awareness and the awareness that other peoples’ existence matters just as much as their own. I think the best songwriters/storytellers/creatives in general are empaths because we have the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others and allow those stories to be told. Read more>>

Lisa D’Aleccio | Founder & Managing Partner – LSD Media Agency

Some people think that s very easy. That is all parties and going out but it’s actually a lot of work and strategic planning. You have to really hustle and pay your dues in order to make a name and be respected.It does have a glamorous side but you have to work for it as well. Read more>>

Makenzie Cabrera | Mother, Wife, Medical Student, Powerhouse Advocate

A mother who strived to make sure her babies were taken care of. A mother who advocated and changed the world for rare diseases and autoinflammatory diseases but to also change the stigma of beint a special needs mother. Read more>>