To persevere or to pivot is a question that do-ers have been asking themselves since the beginning of time. It’s never a straight road when you are doing something new, blazing a trail, breaking a ceiling, or pushing boundaries, so it’s only natural to wonder whether to give up midway. How do you know whether to keep going or to give up?

Charity Hill | Caterer

Overcoming Doubt in Pursuit of Success Sometimes, I feel like throwing in the towel or become overwhelmed by the thought of whether I’m on the right track. However, meeting strangers in public who recognize my face, name or brand always reminds me to keep pushing forward. It’s a fantastic feeling that erases all doubts and encourages me to stay the course. Read more>>

Keith Fiori | Founder | ROGUE CREATIVE

Keep going or give up? That’s an interesting question and comes up often in my circle of creative friends and colleagues. Should I continue on my own? Maybe I should go back into a larger corporate role? Maybe pivot completely and go tend bar! We have all felt this way and most likely said it out loud at one point of the journey.  Read more>>

Jennifer Elaine | Professional Fine Artist & Gallery Owner

You have to always keep going, never give up. It’s not giving up if it’s not your path. You have to pivot so you can prosper. I do not believe in giving up on a vision that God gave to me. I’m innovative and a creative, so I brainstorm new ways to keep going and generate income. So to answer your question, giving up is NEVER an option, no matter how hard it seems. Read more>>

Dr. Terrica Arnold | Black Girl Lessons, Founder

Giving up is not an option. As the leader of a mentorship program, if I give up, there are young girls that may not have access to role models and resources. Receiving guidance and the leadership tools is vital for the growth of young people. Read more>>

Derek McKeith | Entrepreneur

Everyone feels like quitting at some point in life, be it something or someone. I think the most important thing one can do is evaluate their reason for doing something in the first place. Read more>>

Arion Herbert | Co-Founder & CEO of Main Attraction Recreational Sports, LLC

When faced with thoughts of giving up, I find solace in reflecting on the inception of my journey and reflecting on the reasons behind its initiation. Focusing on my steps to my initial goals allows me to gauge the distance I’ve covered, which is a tangible measure of personal growth.  Read more>>

Kyle Levy | Custom Woodworker/ Business Owner

I think the thought process here ebbs and flows so much. The truth is you don’t always know. But it’s important to remain self aware. Don’t lie to yourself. Is what you’re doing sustainable? Is it causing more stress then peace? Do you ACTUALLY like or love what you are doing or are you afraid to fail or give up? Read more>>

Jennifer Washabaugh | Wedding Venue, B&B, Campground Owner, Music teacher

The Beginning When I first thought of the risk I was taking by starting a B&B and allowing strangers to come to my family’s private property via Airbnb or VRBo, it was frightening. There were a lot of ‘what ifs’ running through my head. What if they start a house fire by not closing the screen in the fireplace? Read more>> 

Katrina Manor | Creative & Vessel for Empathy

I hate taking risks. To me, risks are chances you take without hypothesis. When I don’t know the outcome of an action, I’m less likely to take it. But with my career, I have to take huge risks to be an Artist. It’s a risk to release music and allowing people to hear your unfiltered thoughts because It’s vulnerable. Read more>>

Macey Corder | Social Media Marketing Agency Owner

When it comes to starting my own business, risk has played a huge factor. In 2022, I decided to leave a job I felt comfortable in and that I had seen early success in at a young age, to take a huge risk and start my own social media marketing agency. Read more>>

Laura Huston | Founder of Belle & Bottle and Chairwoman of Belle & Bottle Foundation

I think that in every entrepreneur there is an innate sense of a higher risk tolerance, or you wouldn’t be here. You’d have carved out a safer space for your success. As I reflect back on the many choices I have made over my career that pull me back to being an entrepreneur, the dominant factor is the conditions of a current workplace. Read more>>

Lee Chase IV | Writer, Photographer, Performer, Adult Education Advocate

I grew up in an environment where I never felt like could be myself, where I was not encouraged to be myself. It was all about living up to expectations and the dreams and aspirations I had were shot down. So for much of my life, I did what I loved in secret. Read more>> 

Sommer Webb | Entrepreneur & Cosmetologist

I look at risk as an opportunity you will never if what you want to do in life will work out unless you give it a try. As a new upcoming Licensed Cosmetologist I started out in a company based salon. After almost a year of being there I realized I wanted something different so I can progress into the stylist I would like to become. Read more>>

Rayy Stackz | Female Rap Artist / Dental Assistant

I feel like if you don’t take a risk you can’t create a future, you won’t see anything new, and you will never know what you’re truly capable of. Taking risks in my career has elevated me in various ways, I recently graduated Concorde Career College for dental assisting while still pursuing music. Read more>>

Hadrat Faatimah | Memphis Marketing Girl

Whewww.. man risk are sometimes how you walk into opportunities that you never thought you could come across. I can truly say God has taught me how to walk by faith and that sometimes can resemble taking risk, but in reality it’s just a matter of trusting God. Fully. Read more>>

Kori Wallace | Musician, Writer, Producer

There is no reward without risk. However, many people don’t understand that we take risks of manageable magnitude daily. The word itself has an intimidating connotation, but it is truly something that we navigate enough to keep from being halted by that intimidation. Read more>> 

Rondal Richardson | Entertainment Philanthropist

When I was 17, I really wasn’t certain what courage looked like. As a seventh-generation Tennessean including an indirect line to Davy Crockett, courage was not something that was widely discussed at the dinner table. I do think that most humans of my time were taught that by taking risks you were somehow made to believe that you might be taking something that would belong to someone else. Read more>> 

Corina Avalos | Music & Radio Reporter, Up In the Mix

I’ve noticed that my biggest growth opportunities have occurred when I’ve been at a crossroads between staying in a comfortable situation and stepping into the unknown. While a part of me understands that in order for a new reality to emerge, one must let go and grieve the old self. Read more>>

Cecilia Fay | Owner and Founder of Cecilia Fay Creative

I think risk is what keeps me going. I have a ‘do it scared mindset.’ First, I think self criticism can be our biggest barrier. When you let go of self doubt and fear, then good things can happen. At the end of the day, you just have to get started and learn as you go. Experience is our biggest teacher. Read more>>

Corey Travis | Performing Arts Director, Musician, Singer, and Band Director

The biggest plus in my career is taking a risk, and that’s taking a risk on yourself. With the non-profit organization I created I chose to take a risk and create my lane of youth community performing arts like nothing else in Memphis.  Read more>>

James Terry Jr. | Coach, Artist, & Musician

I used to be terrified of taking big risks. I wouldn’t bet on things I knew weren’t a sure thing and I tried to keep most situations as close to the vest as possible. As I began last year I decided to let go and let God and it’s amazing how he showed up in my life. The utterance of the phrase is an easy and “empowering” thing to say but it is terrifying in practice. Read more>>

Michael Mosby | Community Leader, Football Coach, Motivational Speaker

Risks has played a major role in our impact that’s being made in our community. Being a nonprofit, it’s more of giving blood, sweat, and tears into the work. The selfless acts are nonstop and sometimes you’re risking your own personal desires for the benefit of a bigger cause. Read more>> 

Quintin Fields | Songwriter, Vocalist & Guitarist

To be a musician, you have to be a little comfortable with taking risks. Some risks are smart ones that will more than likely lead you onto success, some risks are not as smart and have more of an opportunity to have a negative impact on your life. And life is constantly full of them. Read more>>

Kris Dowlen | Photographer | Videographer | Producer | Graphic Designer

You’ll never know what you’re actually capable of unless you take some risks on your journey. When I say risk, I don’t necessarily mean risking your LIFE, but nothing meaningful is built without sacrifice and risk taking. That could mean sacrificing hours of sleep, or risking your pride and ego by putting yourself in certain situations where you will be denied or told no. Read more>>

Caitlin Maupin | Freelance Artist & Muralist

With risk, came great reward for me! Over the past few years, I have seen the benefits to putting myself out there and taking opportunities. In the beginning stages of my art career, I called them my “Yes Years.” This meant, any opportunity that came my way, I would say yes to! Yes to large scale projects, yes to tiny favors, yes to anyone who was interested in what I had to offer. Read more>>