Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.

Clint Chapman | Real Estate Investor & Digital Agency Founder

Since I was a kid, I’ve always had a deep curiosity for discovering the ins and outs of things and figuring out why they work the way they do. Whether it was taking apart toys, gadgets, or even just observing how systems operate, I was always drawn to the challenge of understanding the mechanics behind it all. This fascination extended to a wide range of interests – whether it was nature, machines, or even people – I found that getting to the root of how something functions and uncovering the “why” and “how” provided a sense of excitement and satisfaction for me. Read more>>

Lydia Martin | Photographer

I stumbled into my business really. After I had my oldest I wanted to capture every single Milestone and moment. Read more>>

Javian Shipley | Event Planner

After having my daughter in 2022, following years of struggling with PCOS and infertility, I expected to return to my work in community engagement. I had spent my career in urban education, nonprofits, and faith-based spaces, serving communities I deeply cared about. However, after two years of foster parenting and welcoming my daughter, my perspective shifted. I realized I wanted a better work-life balance—one that allowed me to be present for my children and pursue work that brought joy rather than constant heaviness for a season. Read more>>

Lonnee Rey | Best-selling Author & Book Producer

Thirty-plus years ago, I was fortunate to be mentored by the best-selling non-fiction author of all time, Mark Victor Hansen. “Chicken Soup for the Soul” was finally published after 144 rejections. Meeting and working with Mark created a foundation of knowledge and fueled my passion for self-expression in creative non-fiction writing. However, life took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. I was scared to be self-employed. I was pressured to get a degree and get in line for my gold watch ceremony upon retirement from a corporate giant. None of that felt right. So, I explored; left no stone unturned. Read more>>

Cody Powers | Custom Furniture Builder

I was tired of always answering to someone else and my voice never being heard. Even though I was right hand man, I never felt valued. I was previously a high end cabinet builder, but I always wanted my own gig building custom furniture out of raw material. I knew I needed to set a good example for my kids as well and show them, taking the easy way out isn’t acceptable. There is more to life then just a paycheck. Read more>>