Meet Lonnee Rey | Best-selling Author & Book Producer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Lonnee Rey and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Lonnee, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
Thirty-plus years ago, I was fortunate to be mentored by the best-selling non-fiction author of all time, Mark Victor Hansen. “Chicken Soup for the Soul” was finally published after 144 rejections. Meeting and working with Mark created a foundation of knowledge and fueled my passion for self-expression in creative non-fiction writing. However, life took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. I was scared to be self-employed. I was pressured to get a degree and get in line for my gold watch ceremony upon retirement from a corporate giant. None of that felt right. So, I explored; left no stone unturned.
In my 60+ years, I have done practically every job there is, so long as it didn’t involve blood. The romantic version is I was born to explore; the adult embodiment of my childhood hero, Pippi Longstocking. To others, job-hopping was a sign of fickleness; immaturity and an inability to commit. Hey, it’s not like I didn’t try. Every job was always interesting, at first. That gave me hope; perhaps I’d finally found my thing: the famed unicorn of career paths, discovered by default, leading to the elusive pot-of-gold bliss we are destined to discover.
I thought I hit pay dirt becoming a blackjack dealer in Atlantic City, NJ. Best paying jobs in town, great insurance; it ticked all the boxes. One problem: you can only count to 21 so many times before you get bored. Oh no, uh-oh, gotta go. This happened a lot.
Bold moves without parachutes would follow.
Starting my own business became the only option, frankly. It made most folks super nervous. Supporting a solopreneur can be a big ask of those who trade certainty for borrrring every single day. “How can you not know if you are going to make it every month?” they say.
“How can you trade off so much of your life and energy if you don’t like the work?” I wondered. Routine is kryptonite to a few of us.
Being an entrepreneur opens the range of possibilities. So, ok, I live with uncertainty only all the time. Total creative freedom is worth it.
I found something I love to do and it utilizes all my favorite skills. Plus, I am delighted to provide a much-needed tool in record-time: a best-selling book, solidifying authority, credibility and expertise. An aptitude for story development, a love of giving people a voice, combined with self-publishing know-how, has resulted in 14 books in 14 months. As the saying goes, books don’t make you money, but you need a book to make money. My work gives others the starting point, tool, message and marketing angles needed to move forward, faster, than anybody has ever seen: Idea-to-ISBN in 10 days .
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
You need to have an angle if you want to have an edge. As a story coach with marketing knowledge, it excites me to conceptualize and develop a person’s story with their “big picture” goals in mind. The creativity that goes into each person’s tale is customized to suit their voice, brand and personality. I like to say, It’s all about the WHO that is YOU behind the WHAT that you DO…and then your ‘Special Sauce.’
I am so happy the The “Rattled Awake” series is a transformative experience; one that gives everyone a chance to become a published writer while showcasing how they became “better, not bitter” over the last five years. I love that non-writers learn not only how to craft a great read, but how capable they are when guiding hands take them through the experience. The end result is a book they can be proud of, as well.
“Creative non-fiction” has recently taken a new twist with “My Fur Baby Wrote This Book.” The “pawthors” get to share a story through their pet’s perspective. The promotion went so well that I created custom photograph “International Best-selling Pawthor” certificates featuring them and their fur baby.
What’s unique about my program is the story development and joojing-up of content. All those years of editing non-fiction self-help books, combined with ‘verbal visionary’ skills, all packaged-up from Idea-to-ISBN in 10 days, is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. It ends procrastination and makes lifelong dreams a reality lickety-split.
It is fun to take the zip line to the finish line, especially ‘riding tandem’ with a great group of people and an expert leading the way.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Knoxville, TN, arts district has been voted No. 2 “Best Arts District” nationwide in USA Today 10Best Readers’ Choice 2024 poll, so we kick-off our time together doing the First Friday ArtWalk. To cap off the night, we will stop in at my favorite watering hole, Suttree’s High Gravity Tavern. Grabbing a seat at the community sidewalk table, we are poised for some of the most interesting people-watching in town. The tavern’s arcade is an adult playground with something for everyone. We share flippers on a pinball machine – a total riot and must-try someday. Foosball championships happen here, but tonight, the tables are open for regular folks like us.
Our morning begins with us strolling the open-air farmer’s market in downtown’s Market Square. A plethora of craftsmen, local farm produce, pasture-raised meats and buskers, the market attracts hundreds of shoppers every Saturday. Adjacent to Market Square is beautiful Krutch Park. A bench near the water feature allows us to take-in the park’s oversized metal art structures. Chivo Taqueria, my favorite weekend brunch spot, offers a unique spin on huevos rancheros. A seat at the bar and suddenly we find ourselves chatting like old friends with tourists and locals alike. It is a tequila-lover’s heaven, with friendly bartenders and steady stream of drop-ins to keep the laughter going long into the afternoon.
We wander on into Mast General Store, a stone’s throw from Chivo’s. With creaky wooden floors and wine barrels full of old school candies, it is reminiscent of the old Woolworth’s department stores from yesteryear. From souvenirs to overalls and brand name camping gear, Mast General Store is an eclectic mix of old, new and ‘oh-wow-look-at-this!’ novelties.
It’s a rainy Sunday, so we find ourselves practically alone, free to meander the many alleyways full of custom-painted murals. My favorite is Imperial Alley Mural, on Gay Street. Mother and daughter artists, Ilana Lilienthal and Orel Brodt, created the mural as a tribute to the Imperial Hotel, which is now the Hyatt Place. I remember talking to Ilana, perched high up on a scaffold, while she painted her vision on a brick canvas. A local business owner, Ilana plays an active role in preserving Knoxville’s heritage. This mural turned-out every bit as beautiful as she described it to me.
We escape the rain by ducking into Maple Hall. The entrance looks like a lobby, but descending downstairs, the basement explodes into a full-blown lounge and 11-lane bowling alley. A hearty burger and few games, later, it’s time to call it a night.
Monday is a walk in the park, with lunch at water’s edge on Volunteer Landing. We opt for the hydrobikes and laugh, going in circles instead of actual cycling.
Tuesday is Jazz Night on Market Square. We get ‘my’ table outside at The Brass Pearl. their Aquamarine Sauvignon Blanc, raw oysters and a shared bowl of mussels is as smooth as the music. There’s a free improv show every Tuesday night at Scruffy Inn. It’s usually pretty good.
Hump Day is spent walking the aisles at my favorite indoor antiques mall. Nearly 150 booths carry an odd assortment of old-sold-as-new, or vintage to die for, almost. Nothing’s cheap there. SoKno Taco in South Knoxville makes some great fish tacos. We get lucky and score seats outside where the band is playing.
Thursday, already? In 2009, The Bijoux Theatre celebrated 100 years. Having survived a close call with demolition crews, this historic landmark is rich with history, unique decor, and an intimate setting for world class shows.
There is so much more to see and do in downtown Knoxville! But no matter where you go, what you will find are cheerful people who have come to enjoy all this town has to offer.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Wendy S. Wiseman deserves a sky-written shoutout for all the world to see! Her relentless efforts as a solopreneur are laser-focused on creating happier, healthier human beings. As a 3-time, #1 best-selling co-author in the “Rattled Awake” anthologies, Wendy has taken chapters out of her life to show that one’s past does not have to equal their future. She will light up a room and leave the place glowing; a virtual human lighthouse.
I feel lucky to have been in her orbit personally, as well. Just one suggestion from her and the mobility in my torn shoulder was drastically improved. Wendy is a highly-trained body worker who freely shares her wisdom on both YouTube and on Skool in a variety of groups. Please look up this Wonder Woman because her business is making others feel great: and on Skool:
Image Credits
Imperial Alley Mural Photo Credit: @insideofknoxville