Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.

Lisa Jennings | Painter, Sculptor and Teaching Artist

As a full time artist for close to thirty years now, risk taking is a large part of how my life is lived from day to day. Creating paintings and sculpture are something that you create in the hopes that people will connect with them enough to purchase them. When I first started my career as a artist I walked away from a salary position with bonuses yet I was willing to take the risk to follow my dream and am very grateful that is has worked out! Read more>>

Rebecca Dennison | Business Owner & Spa Director

I have embraced risk throughout my life and career in a very proactive way! Taking risks has clearly been instrumental in my journey, from starting work at a young age to venturing into unfamiliar territories like becoming a 911 Dispatcher and starting my own businesses. I feel like I have a unique perspective on risk, and failure. Viewing failure as a learning opportunity aligns with a growth mindset, where each experience contributes to personal and professional development. My willingness to take risks, coupled with my determination to learn and adapt, has allowed me to succeed in diverse fields despite initial uncertainties. Read more>>

John Henry Soto | Filmmaker

Life can be scary and we may feel that taking a risk may lead to a loss. Well, it definitly might lead to a loss but it can also lead to the greatest opprotunity ever so the question you have to ask yourself is, what is a greater risk? Taking a risk and failing but knowing you have another opportunity or never taking a risk a ensurring you’ll never make it. Jump take a deepo breath and jump! You’ll thank yourself later. Read more>>