Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
Balance means a state of equilibrium. It’s a condition my wiife, Denim Skye and I have achieved in our prrsonal and professional lives through trial and error, negotiation, and trying better to understand ours and each others roles. We’re in a marriage first. Our marriage, not our business, is our top priority. We’re equal partners in both. We’re totally into our relationship 100%. We’ve finally achieved a state of balance through mutually supporting each other and our own desire for personal growth. Read more>>
When I first started Proper I found myself getting trapped in the minutiae and would frequently find myself “working to be working”. Not that it doesn’t happen anymore, but I think I’ve gotten better about asking myself, “Is this a project that can yield fruit, or is this just busy work that I’ve created for myself?” More importantly as a parent, everything gets weighed against the amount of time a project will take my attention away from the family. I’ve really had to learn how to say “No” politely with more regularity… Read more>>
To me success is based on accomplishing the goals and dreams you set for yourself in life whether they are personal or professional. So my personal definition is to have a career I love that’s able to provide for my family and discover things that I enjoy in life. Read more>>
Success, for me, is a multifaceted concept that goes beyond simply reaching set goals. It involves strategic planning, understanding one’s own definition of happiness, and recognizing that success is a marathon, not a sprint. Here’s six ways of how I define success based on my experiences and reflections: Long Term Vision and Patience Success requires a long-term vision and the patience to see it through. Achieving my version of success didn’t happen overnight. It involved understanding that the journey is a long-distance run rather than a sprint, which necessitated perseverance, dedication, and resilience. Read more>>
I absolutely love this question. I think a lot of people assume that a career in acting is either solely waiting tables at a restaurant or you’re an A-lister on the red carpet for half the year. There is so much in-between the two that I could genuinely write a book on the ambition, talent, and intelligence it takes to truly be a working actor. If I had to pick one, though, it would be how often we face rejection. Actors don’t just get an audition for the next Marvel movie or a series regular on Criminal Minds the second we step out of LAX. The first thing to do is start to pitch yourself as a nonunion actor to student projects or nonunion films/series that pay little to no money. Read more>>
One way that My business , as a Doula and Lactation Counselor, helps the community by helping my clients with advocating for themselves. This, in turn, teaches them how to advocate in other aspects of their lives. Their children then, hopefully, grow up with this same knowledge. Read more>>
As a student majoring in music business, I would want to be remembered as someone who pushed the boundaries of how music is marketed, distributed, and experienced. Innovative marketing strategies, I aim to leave a mark on the industry by fostering new ways for artists to connect with their audiences and thrive in this digital age. Read more>>
I want to be remembered for giving generously, dreaming big, and loving deeply. I hope to be seen as someone who cared for the hurting, using music to minister compassion & encouragement. I aspire to live a life marked by perseverance, authenticity, generosity, and excellence. I want my life to have been filled with incredible stories of faith that encouraged others to seek a deeper relationship with God and the truth I found in Christ. The driving force behind my persistence has always been the unwavering belief that there is a God who loves me and has a unique plan for my life and yours too! Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of my brand, I will always say, is my never ending desire to be as authentic to myself as possible. Read more>>