How to think through whether you should start a business

Readers often email us asking us for advice about new businesses they are thinking about starting and we often find that many of them don’t have a framework for thinking about a more fundamental question: why should or shouldn’t you start a business?
Below, you’ll find how successful entrepreneurs from across the city thought about this very question when they were considering whether to start their businesses.
My thought process was and is to be available for women who have gone through divorce and single parenting. I found out that through my pain and misery I was still an encourager. My business was created to empower and uplift women who have experienced divorce and are navigating single parenting. I aim to provide support, resources, and encouragement to help them rebuild their lives, regain their confidence, and create a fulfilling future for themselves and their families.” Read more>>
You will never know the true extent of your capabilities until you try. Meaning, if you set your mind to it, step out on faith, and believe in yourself anything is possible. Read more>>
We had an outreach to, at its maximum, 110 approximate homeless men every Wednesday and Saturday night. For 6 years. We developed relationships. But we never saw a true exodus of men from that situation. We decided to start a free culinary program for those amongst poor and hurting, that involved free housing and healing discipleship lifestyle. Read more>>