We asked some of the most interesting folks in the community to open up about how they think about taking chances and the role risk has played in their lives and careers. Risk is by far the topic folks talk to us most about and we hope the responses below will help shed light on many different perspectives.

Kiely Connell | Singer/Songwriter

I’ve taken a lot of risks in pursuing my career as a songwriter. I came to nashville with a couple suitcases and my acoustic guitar crammed into my PT cruiser. I knew only one person and I had nowhere to live. When you take big risks you force change to happen quickly. Growing pains are uncomfortable but necessary to fulfilling your fullest potential. I recorded my first album in 2018 and sat on it for two years because I didn’t truly believe that the music industry would care about it at all. When I finally put it out in November of 2021 I was thrilled to be proved wrong. If I wouldn’t have taken that leap I never would’ve had anything I have today.  Read more>>

Nadia Black Majestea | Foraging Tea Artisan

Risk is a possibility of harm or damage and/or a situation involving exposure to danger. I view the concept of risks as an everyday reality, there is risk associated with the common choices in life we face every day and if you live in Memphis there’s even more! Memphians know insurance rates tend to be more expensive because most of the area is considered high risk but we still love living in Memphis. I do not believe in operating out of fear of the worst and allowing it to dictate my actions. Starting a business without any experience, money or the ability to ask for guidance from family because you’re the first to ever take a risk; is scary.  Read more>>

Sorcha Sayers | Brand & Web Designer

Taking a risk in your career is great, and a sure way to grow, but I really think it’s about timing. Sometimes you can’t afford to take the risk and you get a little bit stuck. I think the perseverance of getting “un-stuck” and wiggling into a free enough space to take the next leap is the real courage. I’ve taken some really big risks throughout my career, moving to new cities, taking on projects I didn’t know how to do, and working for myself. Some of these gambles truly didn’t pay off, but so many of them did, and led me to where I am today. Read more>>