Meet Nadia Black Majestea | Foraging Tea Artisan

We had the good fortune of connecting with Nadia Black Majestea and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Nadia, how do you think about risk?
Risk is a possibility of harm or damage and/or a situation involving exposure to danger. I view the concept of risks as an everyday reality, there is risk associated with the common choices in life we face every day and if you live in Memphis there’s even more! Memphians know insurance rates tend to be more expensive because most of the area is considered high risk but we still love living in Memphis. I do not believe in operating out of fear of the worst and allowing it to dictate my actions. Starting a business without any experience, money or the ability to ask for guidance from family because you’re the first to ever take a risk; is scary. I had plenty of moments of imposter syndrome throughout my career. I was the first to ever leave the country, graduate college, and start a business and I did it knowing the risks. Risks are apart of life that should be weighed wisely and accepted with hope. Hope that the reward we prayed for and the blessing unseen are experienced and taste even better knowing it was risky work worth it. The things worth having truly are worth the work, risk and struggle and we might as well find joy in the inevitable. I do that everyday with BlackMajesTEA as it assists in growing me for the better in character constantly and that is reward enough.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I curate incredible hand-crafted blends of Tea and herbal Products from plants I grow Hydroponically or forage in the wild. Studying their physical properties of medicinal uses, smell, color, and spiritual effects to create delicious, edible art. Black MajesTEA is a curated from An Alchemist who takes things that are covered in and grow in dirt, mostly regarded as weeds and I find the pure elements that may assist us in issues such as acne, weight loss, arthritis etc. and make the tea blends appealing to both the eye and taste buds possibly assisting in a plethora of ways with energy, health and beauty. I’m grateful to participate in multi-layered, multi-media art experience and call it “work”. It’s not easy but it is fun and rewarding. I am the demo canvas proof that my art works, the tooth polish makes my teeth sparkly white, the oils and butters keep my hair thick and long, and the teas give me energy to rarely be sick and have great report no matter what. If it wasn’t for my artistic creations like Goji Berry God Energy a romantic energizing tea that has vibrant colors of Blue, Red, Pink, and green I wouldn’t have the energy it takes to do this business by myself 90% of the time. Most energy drinks have a crash, but this herbal blend is balancing in ways most caffeinated products are not giving me longer stamina, a clearer head to learn the ways of business as I go. I want the world to know it’s possible to beat the odds stacked against you, to create a legacy for yourself that could fund your lifestyle and bless others. It takes risk, faith, hard work and creativity, but one cup of tea at time you can drink your way to health and flourish successfully as the best version of you.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
My Best Friend is in town and wants to have a good time in Memphis through the eye of Nadia BlackMajesTEA a health-conscious plant-based herbalist. Meaning I need to prove we will be full and happy with no meat or dairy. ha-ha first things first I want to start us off with some nice, caffeinated Beverages so we will head to the black owned, all black supply house Coffeelike on national street who carries coffee options and Black MajesTEAs herbal teas as well. Introduce her the amazing staff there while they are both at the best farmers market in the city, Cooper young. Wed gets some vegan veggie bowls with cilantro dressing from flip side Asia and produce from Ms.Lockard’s fora home cooked meal at the end of the night. Wed support many of the local vendors at cooper young farmers market getting clothing, honey, jewelry and food. then wed head down to get some healthy juice and overnight oats from juice bar, go next door for some CBD at ounce of hope to romanticize the day in a relaxed Euphoric state. And then hit up east end skating rink to skate a bit for fun. Head down “little Mexico” as its affectionately known and buy some tropical fruits and snacks from the different Spanish speaking cultures are and pick whether we want Guatemalan, Honduran or Mexico food trucks and shop at the African shop on Goodlet as well and pick out some ethnic clothes to wear that night. The next stop would be to my favorite bar, swamp bar with my favorite bartenders before we go see the bucket list stop- Beale street. The next morning, we would definitely need to come back to life by going to get brunch at Fortune Co for some handmade noodle ramen and apps, then we could walk it off downtown sightseeing in the morning, attend a yoga class at the downtown studio and go bike riding in Overton Park before we head to hi tone to catch a local comedy show on Tuesdays and then grab a late night bite at Memphis whistle getting the loaded vegan tots and lions mane hot wings. ID make sure that before the week is over, we visit a few other places that make great accommodations for vegan food like Takashi Bistro on union, Good groceries on south cooper, groovy gratitude on 2nd street and check out some more amazing spots like black seed urban farms and jones orchard.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’m beyond grateful for the many people who were vessels pouring love, lessons and experiences in my life that helped to shape the person I am proud to be today. I’d be remised not to mention my family especially my father and grandmother for instilling such kindness, wisdom and spiritual guidance. My God parents for teaching me about health and wellness with prayer and beyond through exercise and volunteer service. A guidance counselor in the 6th grade who set me straight and asked me “who I wanted to be and what will I leave behind in this world”? Which guided me on a journey of self-reflection beyond the normal school, job, and house goals. I knew I wanted to contribute to helping the world heal. A professor of Ethnic and Minority studies at the University of Memphis that deconstructed the small world view I had and challenged me academically and socio-politically. Each assignment helped me become an alchemist combining creativity and activism. The farmers and botanists who have taught me the ways of the soil and how to assist the planet and people with plants.
Instagram: blackmajestea
Linkedin: blackmajestea
Facebook: blackmajestea
Youtube: blackmajestea
Image Credits
@abstrac54331 – Mark, David Johnson @Deepcityvisuals,