Social impact: how does your business help the community or the world?

We asked members of the community how their organizations help the community. We’ve shared some of the responses below.
It provided jobs and help revitalize the Jefferson Street community. Read more>>
In some regards, the world is in tatters. We have weathered a worldwide pandemic, not without significant damage to the social fabric of our communities. We’re, perhaps, now witnessing across the Middle East & Eastern Europe the beginning battles of a greater world war to come. Read more>>
Over the past few months on Instagram, I’ve been able to build up a community of songwriters, artists, and creatives who love to learn more about songwriting. It’s been so fulfilling to guide them in songwriting exercises, prompts, and provide them with workbooks and tools I’ve created. Read more>>
I came out to the LGBTQIA+ community in 2016. I was married for 26 years and had four kids. My Queer community is known as a “late bloomer” or “later in life lesbian.” I identify as both lesbian and Queer. Read more>>
Allenbrooke Farms x Sinsemilia’s provides beyond organic fruit, vegetables, flowers, herbalism & cannabis products to our middle tennessee community & country. Read more>>
We help the community and world by a ripple effect. When we grant a wish to an adult battling a terminal illness we not only provide hope and joy to them and their family, but to their community and world as well. Read more>>