Perspectives on work life balance

The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time?
Experimenting with my ideal work / life balance is something I’m currently in the middle of working through, and probably the sort of thing that I will always need to keep adjusting here and there over time. Read more>>
Work life balance is so important, yet it can be so hard to achieve. I still work a 9-5, so doing that along with working on my travel business coupled with family/friends time is hard. Read more>>
I currently work a 9-5 as well as owning my own business, so balancing both on top of life OUTSIDE of working has been a constant in my life since I started my business in 2021. Read more>>
I have come a long way in both my beliefs and practices as it relates two work life balance. I used to one of those people that would say things like “team no sleep” and “I don’t get tired.” Read more>>
I started playing lead guitar and singing on stage at the age of seven. I got my start in Fort Wayne, Indiana with my dad’s band, Joe Taylor & The Red Birds. Read more>>
I used to think of work/life balance strictly in terms of time: how many hours I was working, and how many days off I had. Gradually I began to realize that it’s not as much about how many days or hours off you have, but about how much you are actually living & enjoying them. Read more>>
When I first started in the wedding industry I was a newly wed myself, working part time. Photography was just a hobby for me and I had all the free time in the world. Fast forward 3 years when I first became a mom, my free time was now nonexistent. Read more>>
Work life balance is something I have always struggled with! My career was my baby for a long time and I would put just about anything else second to it. But now that I actually have a baby, it’s more important to find the balance. Read more>>
In the beginning of my business i thought that it would only be as good as the effort i put into it. Often i would work around the clock for weeks at a time. Never taking off days and missing out on family events and self care. Read more>>
Oh, this is a biggie! When I first started my business, I was working a TON and never seeing my family. I quickly realized as the years went by that I had grown in my skill and knowledge which in return would make raising my prices a no brainer. Read more>>
Kelley always put family first in his career. He gave up some high paying positions over the years to be home with our kids and able to attend all their activities and sports. Kelley was able to retire early and does contract work remotely as we travel the country in our fifth wheel camper. Read more>>
As a musician, the work/life balance can be tough! Gigs are almost always at night, on weekends, and often on holidays, so there’s always a choice to be made about where to spend time. Read more>>
Work-life balance is a crucial aspect of any business owner’s journey. The perception that success is solely a result of relentless hustle or a perfectly calibrated work-life balance is a common misconception in our entrepreneurial culture. In my experience, this balance evolves over time and goes through different phases. Read more>>
I teach about balance often, so it is a question I ask myself a lot. I’ve concluded that to find balance we must first find our center. The center is my reference point of course finding one’s center can be many categories of life, work, play, relationships/family, etc., Read more>>
I definitely worked wayyyy too much in the beginning, which I honestly don’t regret. It taught me a lot about hard work and the lengths I was willing to go to in order make my dream a reality. Read more>>
I think there’s a natural balance progression when you start a business, I doubt I have the formula for it just yet, but a few years of experience does help a ton. In the beginning, I chose to say “yes” to almost every opportunity that came my way. Read more>>
For me balance is always something to strive for to keep my body, mind, and relationships healthy. However the truth is if you really want to be successful you need to work A LOT! Read more>>
Navigating work-life balance as an artist can be a delicate dance. Between crafting emails to various venues and eagerly awaiting responses to fill your performance calendar, it’s easy to find yourself consumed by the music world. Read more>>
I think every entrepreneur knows how hard it can be to find balance. It’s easy to work yourself into a hole. At some points in time I was up at random hours of the day & night working. I still struggle but now I actually take the time I need to rest & recharge. Read more>>
Work Life Balance is an ongoing effort these days for me as my family is continuously growing. We now have two amazing boys, which cuts into my work schedule tremendously. Read more>>
Most consider my life to be total chaos, and maybe at times it was or is. I have been a high school teacher for over twenty years, a mom of three teenagers, board member for non=profits, and an author. Read more>>
For most of my life, I gave into the general pressures and expectations of the music industry (and our society in general) to work as hard as I could at all times. Read more>>
So much of my work life balance involves being able to take part in the types of activities and experiences that ground me and give me happiness — and often that is the arts! Read more>>
I’ve always worked in a creative profession, first as an advertising director after college, and then as a high school art teacher and professional working artist for the past 22 years so the balance of work and life has evolved over time for me. Read more>>
The work life balance in my life has changed over time. When I started working in a management role in my early 20s, cell phones and laptops weren’t a thing so I had great work life balance. Read more>>