Meet Miss ByPolA MEmphiS | Memphis Standout ent & CEO Married To The Music World

We had the good fortune of connecting with Miss ByPolA MEmphiS and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Miss, how do you think about risk?
Miss ByPolA MEMpHIS Risk Taking of course
starting my Do Me Journey
Was a risk.
The reason why I say that is because that’s when I started pushing my own career for my life legacy for my family and Brand.
Doing things on your own is a Risk also a blessing. Knowing you no what your focus on .Depression can Come Also …Stay Focus on Your Path Period
.Everyday I wake up it’s a risk because I’m taking a step I never took before doing something new and my life Yes taking me down a different path
I never been before. AM different I am somebody I am a Golden Child So I must go down my new path the path is to guide me to my dream the dream Journey when I say it’s time it’s time. I would have never took the steps if I was not Ready
but knowing it’s a risk it comes with battles I have been in physical and emotional and verbally abusive battles my whole life even down the path with me building my new success for my legacy my family Miss ByPolA MEmphiS yes I took a risks . I was born in the dark Self by God the light.
Miss ByPolA MEmphiS Yes taking a risk not to do the same thing others do and to Do Me Journey
what I know to do I am a entrepreneur a black independent successful woman willing and ready to help individual body parts humans the world the youth the community and the services
I was born for God but I’m also going to take that risks. That means be all that you can be .No one is perfect in the world.
I know me doing what I have to do for me just by taking that risk lets me know I can be all that I can be . It’s going to interfer in a lot of people because I’m Different I am a trendsetter I don’t move like you
Do me Journey the dream that’s gotten me like looking at deja vu I am Memphis Standout . I am Memphis Made.
I am a hotel baby from Memphis Tennessee 50 moms one father.
I took a risk not being like my mom’s nor my father I believe I am better. I believe I want more. I believe to receive because it’s time this lifetime. I wish everybody in the world the best but remember life is a battle so it also can be a risk .
BeiNg prepared for everything will definitely get you through your success. Patient is the key remember me yours truly MiSs ByPolA MEmphiS Tha Hotel Baby from Memphis Tennessee Style Profile representing Memphis Standout representing MaRried to the music world 🌎 Comcast Prime Time Memphis and Atlanta Also on YouTube as well.
Created by Miss ByPolA MEmphiS For Home of the World ❣️
Memphis Tennessee Period and More You Better know it The End Risk Taking
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Miss ByPolA MEmphiS Journey Artist I creating Memphis Artist Miss ByPolA MEmphiS when the
journey started
Memphis Standout Married to the music 🌎 2018 Period
Memphis artist is a artist that loves helping the world born for the world but have to put herself first self love is the best love that’s why I gave the world My First Single Do Me Journey one thing I can say is I love it because it’s fun everything I do with my success and what I build must be fun
so it can last like long ever After bubble
gum I love it I have traveled the world did things I never did before met people in the world built a family met new family left old family my life is amazing right now because it’s something I’m working on for me self love is number one
I put on for my City Memphis Tennessee no one can tell me I’m not Memphis Made I’m born and raised from Memphis Tennessee No talking and more showing I’m the type of person that loves to move my body I’m a hotel baby I’m just a journey artist on my Journey 💋 whatever God take me to that’s where I’m going to end Period I’m doing fine believing to receive it’s my time Miss Bypola MEmphiS Google Miss BYPOLA MEmphiS Am DIFFERENT The End
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
The grizzlies Game
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
St Jude hospital Period I believe to receive
Instagram: Tha HOtel BaBy frOm MEMpHIS TennESsee TreaTmenT
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Shout-out interviews Memphis Standout Memphis King SMK Miss ByPolA MEmphiS Producer