We had the good fortune of connecting with Kelly Scott and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kelly, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?

I teach about balance often, so it is a question I ask myself a lot. I’ve determined that to find balance we must first find our center. The center is my reference point to finding and maintaining a balanced life. When we look at nature as our guide, we see that it is always seeking balance. Nature always knows what is life-supporting and what is not life supporting. Setting boundaries to what is life-supporting for me and what does not feel supportive to maintain a balance for personal growth is simple. What brings unity, joy, and ease, or what is depleting, confusing, and excluding are great questions to ask yourself, especially when you feel a little off balance. Life has assured us that at times things will be hard, sometimes unbearable difficult. This is the time you will need to know where your center is. What values and principles do you align yourself with and live by. What is life supporting and what is not? There are two fundamental energies, there is Love and Fear. Love is life supporting, unifying and brings peace and harmony, Love increases more love, and never depletes your energy. Fear is about separation, shaming, blaming and has motivations of guilt. When you are giving of yourself, something or to someone, like your time, talents etc., what motivation is behind it? Is it from a pure unattached love and joy of giving? Or is it from a place of obligation, or other motives such as feelings of unworthiness, so I give to feel worthy or validated? Another sneaky motive in our learned behavior, is, I give with the motive of sacrificing. “Look what I have given up for you or for this cause”. This motive is clear that one is depleting themselves to give so you now have. But universal law and the law of nature teach us that giving equals receiving. There is no depletion in giving nor depletion in love. This is the fine art of Balance.

If we are unclear and unfocused on what we want and need we will not manifest clearly and therefore lose balance from every toss and turn life throws at us daily and get caught in the learned behaviors of operating from a place of fear instead of Love.

Often the mind/eyes, and heart, and therefore actions are all moving in different directions, never focused or clear nor manifesting a balanced life.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I guess my belief has been in mastering one thing and immersing myself in one thing. Although the one thing has taken me on a journey of continuous unfolding events that I never imagined. I am curious where the passion will take me next. 

How did you get to where you are today professionally? Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? My professional path has come with a certain amount of ease and challenges. Once I made the decision and acted, everything fell into place. Pursuing my training amounted to a financial and time commitment traveling abroad, it also added a dynamic of leaving my family and business for all those times. 

What felt assuring was knowing I was doing what my heart led me to and I believe that is a key to living a balanced life. 

What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way? The lessons I’ve learned are continuous in self-discovery, getting back to my roots. What I mean by that is my natural abilities are to bring beauty to the world, to show others that beauty abounds everywhere, even if it’s an idea, or impulse, that is beauty.  And in the moment, allow this idea to grow and expand within you, like cultivating plants in the soil.  We all have a natural talent, something that comes with ease and brings you peace and comfort.  My natural talents are within the visual arts, and I’ve learned you can manifest anything you want to see, but first you must visualize it, dream it and cultivate it and do not lose sight of it.

What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story? If I had to boil it down to one thing, I would say, set your journey to becoming your optimal self, because this will translate into everything and anything you do and how you feel doing it, as well as how others will feel when you are around them. It will feel joyful, and energizing, and not dreadful or exhausting, it feels life-supporting to do the things you love and to do them well. Approaching life this way will nourish you and others and continue to give back more energy. This is how energy works. 

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.

When I have friends or family visiting, depending on the season and weather, I like to take them to Norris Lake. The water is clean and clear, and the waterscape is pure beauty. Camping and hiking are often on the menu of things to do, and food is the centerpiece of activities. So, we likely will cook our own meals and gather by a fire in the evening. This to me is the perfect day!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?

I am grateful for so many of my teachers who have set loving examples for me to follow, namely my parents who established a foundation for my personal growth. Those who have encouraged me to stay with my passion, like my sister, Kim Nichols-Cech and to stay curious with change, as my current teachers have taught. 

One of my favorite authors David Hawkins, is a leader in the field of “energy”. Working through his books has led me to a better way of looking at my life and changing my own energy field, and I hope to inspire others along the way with the wisdom I have gained from his dedication as a author. 

There is much to be in awe of and so many thankful moments to my students whom I have shared in a way that has supported in my personal growth and understanding on deeper levels. My clients are within the circle with which I share sacred time and healing on many levels. And, the diverse relationships built all along this journey have played an important role in my life.
I am grateful for my business platform and business partnership which has afforded me the time and space and unlimited opportunities to create.
And finally, I am grateful to be alive, living with purpose, and to witness my kids growing into amazing humans and discovering their own true nature. It truly is a circle of Life.

Website: www.dragonflythaiyoga.com www.glowingbody.net

Instagram: dragonflythaiyoga gbhealingarts

Facebook: Kelly M. Nichols Dragonfly Thai Yoga

Image Credits
Master of Osteothai, MOT II December 2022 completion of the 5th and final MOT training In France. 18 participants, from 3 continents (Europe, Japan, and the Americas) gathered in a quiet little village of St. Cecile in the south of France with teachers, David Lutt and Jorge Schurp.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutTennessee is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.