The deciding factor: what’s the most important factor behind your success?

There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
The most vital factor steering my success journey has been a blend of consistency, openness to learning, facing fears head-on, and an unwavering thirst for improvement. Staying consistent has provided a reliable framework, while being receptive to guidance has allowed me to grow and adapt along the way. Read more>>
The most important factor would be to maintain consistency throughout your trails and tribulations. I think you take time to pour energy, work ethics, sweat, numerous ideas, informative conversations with business owners and establishing morals and values into your business for the success to showcase itself!! Read more>>
I think the most important factor behind our success is that we strive to have the highest level of customer service and communication that one can have in a real estate transaction. Read more>>
I feel that knowing who I am as an artist, and what my brand stands for has been a driving force in my success. Hard work, perseverance, and not comparing myself to others or their accomplishments has really allowed me to stay focused, and in my own lane, allowing me to thrive without being distracted by the noise around me. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is my consistency and my dare to be different. Yes, there are a million clothing brands but there are not a million brand that represent what I represent nor who is representing it. Read more>>
My most important factor behind my success is that I respect each and everyone that has came to me. In this day, professionalism is lacking in small businesses, but not me! I promote a judgement free zone! I make sure every woman is comfortable with me. I’m the most welcoming person and my clients love that about me. Read more>>
The success of my hair care products is primarily attributed to thorough research, quality ingredients, and a commitment to meeting diverse hair care needs for nationalities. Read more>>
Believing in myself. What my company did over 15 years ago and what it is doing now are two different things. The only commonalities I see is determination. My entertainment company is centered around community. Whether I’m Djing an event in downtown Bentonville, spinning on the radio or creating content for my podcast, it takes determination to get it done. Read more>>
The one statement I make over and over again in my business is “your success is my success”, “my success is your success”. We are all in this together. Our shared experiences are part the success highway. Read more>>
I really think that one factor of my success has been building relationships with other creatives in the area. I have had to go out of my comfort zone at times and decide that getting to know others in this field is critical to the health of my business. Therefore, I’ve made it an importance to cultivate vendor relationships in many different ways. Read more>>
Getting over the fear of failure. When doubt starts to creep back into my mind I remind myself of one of my favorite Bible verses, Phillipians 4:13 : “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”. As I have evolved as a person, I have learned to accept that I will make mistakes daily as I continue to grow, learn, and create. Each time I fail I find an opportunity to improve myself. Read more>>
The most important factor behind our success is the ability to stay authentic to ourselves and our sound. Read more>>