Never give up?

Never give up. It’s advice that is thrown around daily – but is it always right? We asked some folks we admire about their thoughts around how to know when to give up and when to keep trying
This question hits close to home for me, simply because of medical issues that have occurred in me life recently. These issues impacted the nerves in my left leg and now doing things that use to come easy to me are now difficult and painful. Read more>>
I know that I need to keep going simply because that is the one consistent characteristic in everyone who has ever made their dreams a reality. The one common denominator in all of the people I aspire to be like, is that “no quit” attitude. Read more>>
Even with the hardest work, sometimes things do not go the way you planned or hoped. That is when you should think about “re-routing” the course of your life or career. The word “give up” has a negative sound to it but it is not always a bad thing. Sometimes giving up your current path is necessary to be on the right path. Read more>>
Early last year my self confidence took a hit, after completing a ceiling mural the client refused to pay. Tired from the physical work, I began to second guess myself and so began my creative block. Had I reached the end of what I wanted to accomplish? Read more>>
For me, there’s no question. When I left college I decided I would pursue music for 10 years before giving up and trying something else. Ten years later I was knee deep, there was no changing at that point in time. Considering the hard work I put in, I never was able to stop going for it, it just didn’t feel right to abandon my gifts like that. Read more>>