What’s Your Why?

We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. I don’t remember a time where I wasn’t creating something. Over the years, regardless of any other interests, I would ALWAYS come back to art. It’s a part of me. It IS me. As an adult, I’ve had many types of jobs. Read more>>
I have always been interested in all kinds of art. When I was a kid, I was constantly drawing and painting. That love of visual art has never left me, although I have spent a lot of time in my teenage and adult years focusing on music. Read more>>
Well it’s funny because I thought I was gonna be in the NBA up until I was 12. I remember lying on the floor and watching the Beatles Anthology with my parents. They were both big Beatles fans, but I’d never really gotten into music that deeply by that age. Read more>>
I’ve known since I was a little kid that I wanted to be a musician. My parents tell me I was constantly writing songs, singing in the backseat of their car and always gathering up the family to perform little shows for them. Read more>>
I chose to be a photographer after having grown up with an expiration date and my family ALWAYS wishing they had taken more photos of me with others, our trips, etc.. Read more>>
When I graduated college, I went to work for the state government. I loved the people I worked with and the team environment but didn’t enjoy the work I was doing. I did social media for the state’s insurance programs and there were only so many exciting ways to tell people to use their dental benefits before the year. So while working at the state I started my blog. Read more>>
I don’t think I would ever see myself happy in a desk job kind of setting. Doing hair is something that I’ve always been interested in. Actually all of the arts of the beauty industry have been interests of mine, nail design, glam makeup, and even special effects makeup are also things that fueled me to get into cosmetology! Read more>>
The short answer is that I (selfishly) wanted an outlet for my writing. I had been freelancing under a pen name for quite some time in a different field, and while I was enjoying the opportunities to research, learn, and expand I was finding myself building up a backlog of thoughts in the American whiskey world that were strongly seeking a way out of my head. Read more>>
Music has always been a big part of my life. My parents did a great job of making sure the arts were accessible to my brother and me. Attending concerts, musicals, and spending time gathered together around Dad’s guitar are some of my favorite childhood memories. Read more>>
I think it has been and it still is because I found out music is my true calling. Composing, performing and playing guitar is what makes me the happiest. Being a professional musician isn’t the easiest career path to follow, but if you’re passionate about music, it’s totally worth it. Read more>>
I’ve embraced turning Pain into Art & Poetry! It is very stress relieving & therapeutic as well! I kept my poetry to myself for far too long! I’m definitely ready to show the world what I have to offer! My experiences have shaped who I have become! A warrior, fighter & survivor! Read more>>
Because I couldn’t imagine doing anything else! I knew I wanted to become a professional musician when I was a teenager and even then I knew it would be extremely difficult to pursue that. Read more>>
I found music at an early age and the guitar found me at 11 years old. Music was so mysterious to me. Hearing a song and not understanding how it was created, recorded, produced, just added to the mystique. Read more>>
Was there a choose? lol It was in my DNA. I started to tinker on an 11 key keyboard at the age of 7. I would listen to songs and try to copy the melody on the keyboard. From there it went to bigger and better things. Read more>>
The reason I pursued a creative career is because of my passion for fashion that I discovered at a very young age. Choosing a creative path allows me to continuously express myself through my designs, but also my clients that take pride in wearing garments both designed and constructed by me. Read more>>
Honestly, this career path was the only path for me in life. I don’t think I would have pursued any career outside of music, and I’m grateful to have found my way into a career path in such an illusive industry. Read more>>
Short answer is I knew that I was never going to love doing anything else as a career. I have tried many jobs to prove that theory. I have always felt like I was on my own little island , and that no one really understood me. Read more>>
My mentor and great grandfather Mr. Edgar Robinson, actually put me in position and gave me the blueprint to establish my own business and control my own destiny! Read more>>
If I wasn’t doing art, I’d lose my mind. I don’t say that to sound cool or mysterious, I say it because there are many parts of traditional career paths that I am simply too incompetent to perform adequately. Read more>>
Thinking back to where and when it all began i would have to say it really started in the late 80’s in a small town in country Victoria, Australia. I grew up with my Mom Fay being a rock n roll dancer who loved the likes of Elvis, Buddy Holly, ABBA and also Charley Pride. It was a good music mix growing up. Read more>>
I honestly didn’t think that I was going to be an artist. I was always drawing but the initial idea was to be a doctor or an architect. It wasn’t until after I decided to go to an art college that I saw how fulfilling it was to be an artist compared to everything else. Read more>>
Pursuing music is a wonderful way to be able to follow my passion and connect with others along the way. Music has taken me to places I wouldn’t have had access to otherwise and given me a lifetime of experiences. I think regardless of where my career goes, music will always be a big part of my life. Read more>>
I’ve always loved music. Cliché I know, but being around creatives is inspiring. I came to Nashville in the 80s because I wanted to be part of that community. Early on, I went to check out a writer’s night at The Bluebird Cafe. I was really amazed at the talent and as I left to head home, I stepped out onto the sidewalk. Read more>>
As much as I like a routine, I don’t like being stuck or confined to one thing. It’s kind of crazy to explain or think about lol. Coloring inside the lines is fine, but then that gets boring! Being creative allows me to express my most inner thoughts and desires. Read more>>
Because I love creating. I love making sounds. I love making things that inspire me. Read more>>
Thanks for your consideration. I started writing poetry at the age of seven and songwriting at eleven. By the time I turned eighteen, I was professionally recording secular rap music. Read more>>
I have always had a love for photography, but it wasn’t until COVID that i found myself out of a job and not exactly knowing what to do that i decided to turn it into a career. Read more>>
I was born into a musical family. Dad was an audiophile who literally loved and collected music of all types. I grew up hearing everything from Bluegrass to Classical music and everything in-between. Read more>>
The way I see it, its not really a choice. I feel lucky that I was brought up in a very musical family. Lots of instruments and creative encouragement. First I would learn guitar parts and play songs I liked. Read more>>
I found myself caught by my creative self after retiring from my 30 year career as a Park Ranger…Writing, art and photography was always a hobby and a useful tool I could use as a Park Ranger.. Read more>>
Oh, there are so many reasons why, but really it all comes down to… I love it. I love making music. As a songwriter, processing and reflecting the world around me in writing, choosing what to highlight and what to paint more subtly, telling stories, discovering melodies and the chord progressions, working with fellow musicians in the studio creating something new that didn’t exist before now, really focusing on bringing beauty and hope to whoever might hear the work… Read more>>
It’s something that’s always been in me. From writing short stories I loved when I was younger to writing songs as an adult and felt the big desire to make it a career and I did. Just being creative and writing and it’s only grown more through the years into more creative opportunities and goals as the more I’ve grown. Read more>>
This May will be my 20-year high school reunion, but when I look back to this time, I see my first choice in pursuing an artistic career. I devoted a lot of time to studying, and I particularly loved history and literature; however, I also loved participating in my school’s theatre productions and singing with the concert and show choirs. Read more>>
I have always been a creative person since I was a child. I knew I wanted a career in performing when I was 9 years old watching the show “Soul Train”. Read more>>
My journey has been one of profound transformation, marked by a 13-year tenure in the U.S. Marines. I found a renewed purpose in art during my college years while studying for my bachelors in graphic design. Read more>>