Where are you from and how has it impacted you?

Even if you are from the same neighborhood as someone else, you might still be coming from different places. Where you are from is a complicated question and it elicits complicated, but interesting and thought-provoking responses. We’ve shared some of those responses below.
I was born in Yonkers, New York in the mid-60’s and raised in suburban New Jersey. It was an interesting time to come of age because my earliest memories had the radio playing records from a variety of genres and eras including Motown, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, the Summer of Love, Classic Rock, Psychedelica in addition to the rest of the AM hits of the day. Read more>>
I am from Memphis, Tennessee, my roots run deep, shaping the person I’ve become. When reflecting on the pivotal influences in my life, none stand as prominently as my incomparable mentor, Alberta (Ann) Gore—my mother. Read more>>
I am from a small town in Western Kentucky called Mayfield….or at least, I used to be. The town is not there anymore, really. Two years ago, a large tornado tore down most of the town – the downtown square, the rootbeer float stand I went to as a kid and the 120 year old Presbyterian Church where I took cub scouts; all just gone. Read more>>
I’m originally from South Florida. Growing up down there is like experiencing many worlds in one. You have people from all over, and being exposed to different cultures, traditions and paths of life opened my mind from a young age. It’s a place that pushes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to grow. Preparing me for whatever Nashville had in store when I made the choice to move here for music. Read more>>
I was born in Cullman, Alabama but then soon moved to Flint, Michigan where the rest of our family was. My whole life growing up we struggled, my parents did the best they could/knew how to do. Growing up around nothing & having nothing seems impossible to do anything good in life, but all that turned into having a mind set of having nothing to loose so why not try and take a risk in life. Read more>>
I’m from the small-town of Whitwell, Tennessee. Being from a small-town like Whitwell, I was drawn to country music because of how relatable it is. It’s the average American’s music. That’s what I love the most about it. My small-town has always been very supportive of my journey, and I always love going back home and doing shows for them. Read more>>
Hello my name is Lizzy Louise. I’m from a small town in Iowa. I grew up loving music and being a big part of it. I write, sing, play and record my own songs. I have my music on so many platforms from YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, pandora and so many more! Read more>>
I am originally from Los Angeles, CA but moved to Nashville when I was 12. Growing up partially in LA, I was surrounded by culture, diversity, graffiti, murals, skateboarding and the world of food. Read more>>
I am from Merrillville Indiana and I am a Christian who loves to use my Christianity to express myself. I have a strong sense of faith and love towards helping and healing others by giving them Christ. My upbringing was not centered around religion, but now that I have found my way I use my influence to help others. Read more>>
I was born in Nashville, Tennessee as was my mom and her parents and many generations before. I have deep roots there. I have very traditional family values. I am so grateful to have been raised by a mother who helped me to appreciate the role of a stay at home mom. Read more>>