Through our work we have had the good fortune of seeing firsthand how success comes in every shape, size, color, faith, and orientation. More importantly we’ve learned that success is often the result of people embracing their unique backgrounds and so we’ve asked the community to tell us about their background and how it has impacted where they are today.

Anderson Ayers | Music Executive, Creative Director & Professional Photographer

I am originally from El Paso, TX. Was born there and spent the first, like, 7 years there before my family moved to a small town in Minnesota. I lived with my mom as my dad was military and traveled all over when I was young. So I’d bounce back and forth from MN to wherever my pops were. Read more>> 

Meredith Corning | PR Agent & Event Planner

I was born and raised in Arkansas and growing up in the southern United States has instilled an appreciation for traditional values in my life. It’s easy to become jaded by the world but I never forget where I came from. Read more>> 

Rachal Nolen | Theater Venue Owner

I am born and raised in Memphis Tennessee. My childhood was as if I was an adult from the age of eight years old. My upbringing made me self confident and also extremely independent. Read more>>  

Cash Daniels | Conservationist & aspiring photographer/cinematographer

I am from Chattanooga, Tennessee. I’m 14 so it’s interesting to answer this question. My parents always allowed to follow my interested and explore my passions. I always loved visiting zoos and particularly aquariums. Read more>> 

Esmee Kyles | Lifestyle & Wedding Photographer, Owner of Incredibly Wee Photography

I am originally from The Bronx, New York City. Moved to Memphis when I got married (25 years ago!). My background is caribbean (Puerto Rican descent) and those Afro-Latin genes and traits run DEEP! I laugh a lot. Read more>> 

Dawnella Hopper | Interior Designer/Photographer

I’m originally from Sacramento, California where I spent the majority of my life. My background definitely was very humble and challenging at times. We grew up in a small house with six children, one mother and low income. Read more>>  

John Johnson | Executive Director of the Quest Center for Art and Community Development, Inc.

I was raised in Dickson County, a rural county approximately 40 miles west of Nashville. When I grew up in this area there were not a lot of choices of extracurricular activities outside of sports. Read more>>

O’Tavais Harris | Young Entrepreneur

Growing up in Knoxville, Tennessee in a single parent home as the 7th child out of 13 has had a profound impact on my life, shaping me into the person I am today. While it may seem chaotic and overwhelming to some, this environment taught me invaluable lessons and instilled qualities that have propelled me forward. Read more>>

Kevin Johnson | CEO of Scatta Sitez Entertainment

I’m a native of Nashville TN but raised in College Park, Ga. In 2008 College Park taught me how to hustle and be a entrepreneur at a young age. With that being said I still use those tactics today of being independent and being consistent in this entertainment industry. No shortcuts, just hard work and believing in yourself. Read more>>

Dr. Kimberly Atkins, EdD, LCSW | License Clinical Social Worker, and Mental Health Therapist

My name is Dr. Kimberly Atkins, EdD, LCSW. I was born and raised in Memphis, TN. I have lived in Memphis my entire life. Memphis is a very interesting place to live. We love music, sports, and food. We are direct and honest.  Read more>>

Alicia Bailey | Co-Founder & COO

I am proudly from Memphis, TN. Growing up in a city with so much culture I was exposed to entertainment and the arts at birth. With my dad being a rising rap legend I have always been around the industry in some form. As a child I fell in love with the news. Read more>>