What’s Your Why?

We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
I get asked this all the time… Why chose not only an artistic/creative career, but why such a hard one where success is not only not guaranteed but incredibly slim. The answer is really easy. Why not? I don’t want to wake up one day and regret not following my dreams. Read more>>
I started writing in Middle School as a way for my friends and I to connect with each other and the shows that we enjoyed watching together. We would watch a TV show or read a book and decide that there was some aspect of it that we didn’t like or we thought didn’t fit. Read more>>
I pursed a creative career not only because I couldn’t see myself doing anything else.. but also because the arts are far more important than most people think. Without the creatives the world would be extremely bland. We’re literally the color the world needs! Read more>>
My love for music is really the driving force in my life. There’s a certain thrill I get expressing myself through songwriting and when that connects with others it’s a special sort of cosmic thing. Read more>>
With everything in life, there are always ups and downs and bumps along the road but I think that contrast is what keeps pushing us all along. There are a lot of stories that we grow up with, that inevitably become our beliefs, both good and bad. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that you can rewrite a belief at any time in your life if you decide it’s not serving you. Read more>>
Pursuing a creative career has felt like a natural expression of who I am. At the end of the day, I’m wired by curiosity and imagination. When I’m energized by wonder, I posses a different breed of ambition/drive. I can work relentlessly yet sustainably because work feels like an exploration, a constant discovery, like something I would want to be doing even if it involved no financial return. Read more>>
From my earliest memories, I’ve always been drawn to expressing myself through various mediums, be it drawing, painting, or sculpture. My childhood was filled with moments of solitude and imagination, where I found comfort and joy in the act of creation. Read more>>
I was born in to artistic family starting from grandparents to parents everybody was more or less musicians or some type of artist. My father was violinist and compositor that was highly involved in classical music scene in Europe. Those was big shoes to fill for me and my brother , so we started at early age of four. Read more>>
The freedom. Read more>>
I’ve known music would be a big part of my life since pretty early on- possibly as early as age 12 when I first picked up the guitar and started writing. But I’d say a career in music didn’t seem tangible to me until I went to my first “fiddle camp” in high school. Read more>>
When I got divorced I had another career in the legal field. I wasn’t happy in that role. I still performed weddings as a side hustle but when I was laid off, I truly took a hard look at myself. I asked myself what made me happy? Violin makes me happy. I literally got down on my knees and prayed and asked God to help me. I made a list of the pros/cons of doing music full time. Read more>>
After leaving the military in 2007, I pursued a higher education, but I was really unsure as to where I wanted to go with it. I spent nearly 6 years in college, changing my mind continuously, but always learning about only the subjects that piqued my interest. Read more>>
Well at first I didn’t. In fact I was a nurse for many years, studied and became a midwife. Through that I found I truly love to make people smile, laugh, really just to be happy. At the same time I was a hobby painter and once in a while would sell a piece or two. Read more>>
As cliché as it sounds, I don’t think you choose an artist career, it chooses you. No one ever says yeah go out and be a musician or an artist “you’ll be successful”, and just like in any rise to fame movie there is usually someone there to tell you it’s not an intelligent pursuit. I am one of many here to fight these odds. Read more>>
From a very young age, I’ve always enjoyed painting, sculpting, and just crafting in general. I was usually the last student to leave art class in school. Around the same time, I discovered shows like “Ace of Cakes” and I fell in love with how they created such intricate sculptures out of cake and other edible materials. Read more>>
I chose a creative path because art has always been my way of connecting with and understanding the world. Growing up in Los Angeles, surrounded by the music and film industries (especially in professional recording studios), I felt a strong calling to work in the media and creative space from a young age. Read more>>
Well For the start Music is a way of Life my artistic side is a Talent… I’ve always been intrigued by plus I had aunts/Uncles that had musical influences in the music industry so I’ve always been inspired by the influences But when I was growing up watching. Read more>>
Since childhood, I’ve been captivated by the arts. Even as a kid, I sensed that life without art would lack excitement and purpose. Being around artists and diving into art has always provided me with comfort. I firmly believe that art adds a unique and enriching layer to life, acting as a window into different cultures and ways of living, much like the benefits of travel. Read more>>
I chose a creative and artistic path because I recognized it as the most effective way for me to learn and thrive. From a young age, I excelled in art and creativity, knowing it was my true calling. Honoring my late brother, who was also an artist, became a powerful motivator to keep his artistic dreams alive through my own creations. Read more>>
When I was in high school, my friends and I always did little makeshift photoshoots with our digital cameras when we hung out. Then I’d take the photos and find a free photo editing website. In January 2013, when I was 18, I realized how much I love taking photos, so I spontaneously started my photography business. Read more>>
I’ve always had an urge to express myself whether it was through music, fashion or hair. I played in metal bands most of my life. One thing that goes hand in hand with metal is cool hair. So the opportunity to go to barber school was a no brainer for me. Read more>>
I fell in love with music and the guitar at a young age. The ability to express emotions and create moments that connect with the audience through musical expression is a beautiful and powerful thing. When I first heard Stevie Ray Vaughan thats what I connected with. Read more>>
I pursued a career in floral design because I have always been drawn to the beauty and diversity of nature. From a young age, I loved spending time outdoors and observing plants and animals around me. As I grew older, my fascination with nature and design only grew stronger, and I began to explore different ways of incorporating it into my life. Read more>>
Working with baseball gloves was a hobby. I served in the Army for 22 years with multiple combat deployments. Leather work/repair was something to help with combat stress and a hobby to kind of help me relax. Turned out I was pretty decent at it. Read more>>
There definitely is a passion to create, `to play. The collaborative environment with other songwriters is something that always fulfilled me creatively. I love being with other songwriters, musicians, singers and hearing their original music or their take on intricate covers. Read more>>
My career has always operated from my God-given strengths and talents, such as data processing, analysis, teaching, and organization. But, I was craving an outlet through digital art, music, and acting. Talent in these areas wasn’t clear or dominant, but I knew it lit a spark inside me. Read more>>
Everyday we face difficulties and challenges which most people can careless to hear about. So, for me it was easier to express myself without feeling like I’m being let down or ignored. I can remember early on around the time when I wrote my first rap and rehearsed it to my uncle Pete. Read more>>
I found throughout my younger years that art was always my outlet. If I was able to be creative in some way, I was much happier and felt more fulfilled. I enjoyed learning to take black and white landscape photographs with my dad, learning to paint, sketch with charcoal, and learning to try other mediums throughout school. Read more>>
I wanted to fulfill a passion that was second nature to me. If it’s forced it’s not for me. I’ve always been creative. I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades. I’ve been tech savvy my whole life. Im appreciative of all my gifts so it’s up to me to use them! Read more>>
I pursued my artistic career because music is so universal. I bring the word of God through my music to touch and change lives. Read more>>