Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.

Amanda Nava | Blogger and Creator

It’s a flexible path for me personally. Some days it is a heavy work day and others are more focused on my personal life and family. In the last few years, especially since the pandemic, I’ve had a stronger perspective on the importance of that balance and how I approach my work. Read more>>

Michelle Greatrick | Event Specialist and Consultant

Achieving a healthy work-life balance has proven to be not just a personal priority but a pivotal business strategy for me. As I’ve learned to strike this equilibrium, it has positively impacted both my health and my approach to conducting business. Read more>>

Lindsy Davis | Sculptor and Painter

The line between work and life, when you work for yourself is very blurry. The ebb and flow of life yields to no deadline. I have learned to cancel plans when necessary and also say no to commissions. Read more>> 

Annie Ar’tist | Mompreneur | Photographer | Content Creator

Work life balance has meant many different things to me over the years. Here lately, it takes priority over any job, salary, or benefits. As a mompreneur, running her own photography business, I also help support my family by working a 9-5. Yet it looks completely different from prior to having children. Read more>>

Jessie Ritter | Country Music Recording Artist and Songwriter

As a full time musician who has recently had two children, the search for a work life balance is very present in my mind. I think people try to find work/life balance as a daily thing… but I see it more as a balance of seasons.  Read more>>

Fernanda Aceves | Digital Marketing Strategist

I believe balance is one of the most challenging achievements in life. My generation was raised with the notion that professional success would define our identities. However, as I gain more experience and have the opportunity to collaborate with different generations, I’ve learned an entirely different meaning of balance and success. Read more>>

R. Romona Jackson | Attorney, Entrepreneur, and Executive Director of a nonprofit

My work life balance has shifted as I’ve grown. In my thirties, I was very focused on my career. After I married my family became more of a focus and now, I have developed a good balance between family and work. Read more>>

Paul Vinsonhaler | Musician, Producer, Film Composer.

I’m always surprised how often I am asked about this topic when I talk with other creatives. I think it’s an important question. My work life balance has become probably the most important element in my life nowadays.  Read more>>

Neely Isaac | 1st Grade Teacher

As a teacher, I truly believe in work/life balance! It is so important to take time for ourselves. I believe that you cannot pour from an empty cup. I take the weekends for myself, my family, and my mental health! Read more>>

Aliya Faust | Marketing and Creative Director

Work life balance, for me, didn’t exist prior to 2020. Between the pandemic and some other personal things that happened before it hit, I didn’t separate work from life. Work was life. But I hit a wall and was burnt out to the point of physical exhaustion. Read more>>