People often ask about the best decision, but we think it’s also very enlightening to learn about people’s most difficult decisions and the frameworks they used to think through those decisions.

Karen Canon | Business Owner

Without a doubt, the most difficult decision I’ve had to make was leaving my previous job. I worked at a large company where I had a stable position and enjoyed great bosses. However, I always felt a desire to create something of my own. Deciding between staying in a safe and familiar environment or venturing to start from scratch with my own business was a huge challenge. I started with a lot of fear and uncertainty, but today I can confidently say it was the best decision of my life. The risk and effort have been worth it, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to pursue my dream and build something I am truly proud of. Read more>>

Seth Bunting | Music artist, singer, songwriter, entertainer

Choosing a career in music was a hard decision, but leaving home and moving for work was the most difficult for me. I have an amazing supportive family who helped me grow my career as a kid. Growing up and having to take that on the road was the best decision for my career as a whole, networking, collaborating, touring, recording, a lot of that is so accessible in Nashville. When I turned 16 I got homeschooled to finish out high school and moved into my own apartment in Nashville, Tn. It really was like living a dream, but I also think of all the time I’ve missed, high school graduation, prom, my nieces growing up, my grandmother passing away, very pivotal moments of life you may miss out on sometimes for your art and passion. I couldn’t do it without their support even to this day. If I didn’t have a family who supported those decisions it would be even harder. Read more>>