People often ask about the best decision, but we think it’s also very enlightening to learn about people’s most difficult decisions and the frameworks they used to think through those decisions.

Jacy Dawn Valeras | Award-Winning Podcaster, Television Host, Producer & Music Business Executive.

When you have a career in the music industry, so many decisions are difficult ones because there isn’t a straight line or an exact roadmap to follow. I started my career as a singer and was given so many incredible opportunities because of that but then I hit a point where it was no longer the thing that moved me… Read more>>

Natasha Frierson | Sip & Cake Create Nashville

The most difficult hurdle for me was stepping out on faith and bringing something new to the Nashville area, in hopes that the community would see the vison that I see to be able, willing and confident enough to launch Sip & Cake Create Nashville to the community of Nashville and the people who visit this wonderful city. Read more>>

Devin and Samantha Westbrook | Pastors Devin and Samantha Westbrook

The most difficult decision we’ve made was to start. We started Redemption Church with no money, no members, no mentorship, and no momentum. All we had was a GO from God. Read more>>

Josh Marquardt | BBQ Pitmaster on Youtube

This may sound cliche for the purposes of this article, but I would say the most difficult decision I”ve ever made was uprooting my entire life to take a chance on moving to Nashville. Now obviously, change is difficult for anyone, especially when it comes to relocatting. Read more>>

Gaurav Bali | Professional guitarist, songwriter and teacher

There have been many difficult decisions over the last 20 years for me. I think the most recent one was at the end of 2015 when I decided to relocate to Nashville Tennessee. The reason why I had to make that decision was because of THe most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make: leaving my original band after 15 years. Read more>>

Chapo Maffiossa | Producer, rapper, clothing brand

By far is time management, because learning how to make time for all these different lanes of work I decided to do can clash sometimes. Read more>>

Christie Lane | Boutique owner/ fashion advisor

The most difficult decision I have ever made. Is continuing with a business when some months are slower then other. Read more>>