What’s one thing about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?

We asked experts from a broad range of industries to open up to us about things they know about their industry but that we probably don’t and we’ve shared some of those responses below.
One thing about my industry that outsiders may be unaware of is how difficult it is to “market” yourself. When I work with clients we get into very deep, profound, and personal work… a lot of which is still stigmatized to talk openly about, if at all. Read more>>
One interesting fact of the music industry that often remains out of the spotlight is the amount of non-musical work artists pour into their careers. The romantic image of artists constantly jamming out and effortlessly creating songs masks the reality of their daily grind. Read more>>
I’ve been an author since 2009, but even I was surprised how different the children’s book market is from adult books. I just published my first children’s book in December, 2023, and now the real work has begun in 2024 to market and promote it. Read more>>
Sometimes people assume if you are comfortable speaking in front of thousands of people you are never nervous prior to a presentation. NOT TRUE! Every audience brings a new set of personalities and dynamics to the event. I experience HUGE butterflies prior to stepping on the stage. Read more>>
I think a lot of non-musicians would assume that my profession must be very different from theirs and because of that, they’re often hesitant to relate to what I do on a personal level. In reality, there is usually more common ground from job to job than most people care to realize. Read more>>
I think most people outside my industry don’t understand the depth and complexity of Interior Design. The profession spans a wide range of skills outside the typical perceived “pretty” part of the job. It requires a high level of interdisciplinary skill and combining analytical and creative work. Read more>>
One thing about the photography industry I think outsiders are likely unaware of is everything that takes place before and after the photo session. Before becoming a photographer and after when upgrading or making changes to your gear there is a large amount of research, comparing, and deciding for what gear will be best for you. Read more>>
The power and influence of music are profound. Music has the power to heal; it brings peace and can motivate you to reach the next level. People use it on their first dates, and it plays a role in marriages. Music is heard at funerals, major sporting events, and even over the sound system in grocery stores. It is everywhere, including in nature. Read more>>