What will people say when you are gone?

So many of the folks we work with have multidimensional stories. They often aren’t just working on a single project, business or mission – instead they are often involved in so many things all at once and so we often wonder about what they themselves hope their legacy will be about. We’ve shared some of their responses with you below.
As I reflect on my life, I often wonder what kind of legacy I will leave behind. And I have come to the conclusion that I want to be remembered for my vulnerability and relatability. I want people to see me as imperfect, yet always striving to change and evolve. I want to inspire others to heal, even as I work on healing myself. Read more>>
One of my deepest hopes for my life is to leave a legacy of goodness. I truly feel my purpose in life and in my work is to diminish suffering by fostering a community of love, kindness and light. I hope I will be remembered as someone who accomplished that. Read more>>
want people to remember why I do what I do. People may not remember the person, but a song written from your heart can last a lifetime. I may not know the writer to every Hymn, but their lyrics and music encourage me to this day. That is what I want my legacy to be. Read more>>
My goal since I started creating was to visually speak to someone and hold their gaze for more than thirty seconds. I want to be known as a storyteller, someone who could put life into anything. Even believe that Mr.Moon is a person and he has his own house inside where we play cards at night. You know, make the impossible, possible. Read more>>
I would say. I seeked opportunities to served, contributed, loving the assignment given to me. I embraced everyone with empathy, compassion, and understanding. Also, I kindly handled every action, no matter how small, and a rippled effect created a significant difference. Read more>>