What role has risk taking played in your life or career?

In our experience, most folks, including ourselves don’t have enough of an understanding of risk and the role it plays in our lives and careers and so we have made a concerted effort as a team to have conversations about risk with our interviewees. We’ve shared some highlights below.
Risk is the engine of a career, the one that allows us to start correctly, to take our first steps, it’s what proves to ourselves and to those around us that we believe deeply in what we do. Read more>>
I am by nature not a huge risk taker. When starting my own practice, I took a HUGE risk which was way out of my comfort zone. I knew I was being pulled back to live in the Nashville area, but the area tends to be saturated with dietitians. Read more>>
Taking the path of a musician is based on faith. No amount of income is promised. It’s important to have the intention of trusting your journey & loving the process. Regardless if it’s hard or not. Stay true to your heart. Even if the risk is everything. It’s worth it. Read more>>
Risk-taking is a tough subject. Some people might think of taking a risk as gambling what you have or don’t have. But for me, it’s more about betting on yourself. Or more so, the thought process of questioning “if I’m not willing to bet on myself, why would others?”. Read more>>
I think that when we talk about risk in the workplace, what we are actually talking about is fear: fear of failure and fear of change. However, it’s important to remember that when it feels like we have a lot to lose, that’s typically because we really care about what we are trying to accomplish. Read more>>
Sometimes risk can be bad or good. The only way you will know the out come is if you put 110% into what your trying to accomplish. Risk is something you have to do because for me with out the risk of quitting my full time job to do music full time I would not be where I am today in my career. Read more>>
Risks to me, tie in with bravery, and I think to persue a career in music, it takes a lot of bravery and risk taking. Artists such as myself, we’re taking big steps out of our comfort zones every day to achieve success. Read more>>
I think risk taking is all about being comfortable with being vulnerable. And as an artist, being vulnerable is my job. Taking a risk is scary because you don’t know at the onset how it’s going to play out. It could work in your favor or it could completely backfire. Read more>>
Honestly, I am not a big risk taker. I am not a huge fan of change. I know that change and risks have to happen to move forward and ultimately grow both personally and professionally. I am one of those people who like to have all the facts and information, and really do my research. Read more>>
Taking risks is essential in order to be successful. Taking risks means stepping out of your comfort zone. If you have a vision, dream, or a passion- there is no “safe route”. Sometimes it is that gut instinct that helps you to move forward. Read more>>
When thinking about the concept of risk, I find myself navigating a delicate balance between caution and the exhilaration of pushing boundaries. As a 23-year-old music therapy student completing my final semester of college, the prospect of embarking on my dream internship at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco amplifies the significance of risk in my life and budding career. Read more>>
Everyday is a risk honestly speaking. There are just better outcomes when you put intention about the risk you are deciding to take. Being an individual who decides to pursue a path that has more downs than ups and still chooses to walk that direction is a risk taker. Read more>>
I believe risk is necessary to truly excel in creative pursuits. My personal preference is to take calculated professional risks, though I’m sure that risks I consider to be well thought-through and calculated would be considered insane by others. I’m independent by nature, and thus, it’s always been necessary to take professional risks. Read more>>
I think everything in life comes with a risk, wether it’s jumping out there to follow your dreams or staying complacent because you’re too afraid to do so. Either way both come with risks, such as succeeding, failing, or never knowing. Read more>>
Thank you for this question! Risk is a necessity to growth. In life we sometimes get comfortable with our circumstances and situations. People will reach a certain level and become content, which could lead to being stagnant and life becoming boring and routine like. Read more>>
My artistic career is comprised of such varied undertakings, it seems that without the risk of attempting something new and/or unconventional, I’m unmotivated to create. Read more>>
Everything I’ve done that’s worth doing involves risk. When I moved to Nashville in 2017 I didn’t have a job or savings, so I had to figure out how to survive this concrete jungle. My favorite moments captured on stage or in the studio are improvised. I love that feeling of not knowing what comes next and stepping up to the occasion. Read more>>
I view taking risks as an opportunity. It won’t always work out the way you expected it to but by taking the risk you are giving yourself the opportunity to learn, grow, and be in that moment. The role taking risks has played in my life is it’s allowed me to push beyond my comfort zone and brought new experiences like collaborations, projects, and partnerships. Read more>>
Entrepreneurship inherently involves risk-taking; it’s a fundamental aspect of building a business. In the early stages, the stakes are relatively low, making it easier to embrace risks during the initial building process. With less to lose, stepping outside the comfort zone of normalcy feels more manageable. Read more>>
I believe taking risk is the ultimate way to creating success, but you have to know when to consciously step away from something that may look good, but not be good for you at that moment or time. Risk taking is elevating in your life, you just have to be aware where u take your risk. Read more>>
When it comes to doing music for a living or starting your own business you’re gonna find out very early that it takes money to make money. It’s always a risk to do what you want do in life but if you don’t take the risk how can you get the reward. Read more>>
I consider risk as a perspective more than as a method of measurement to use when considering an action. What I mean by that is fear is not a driving motivation I’ve ever used to edit my actions or intuition on my next move. Read more>>
Risk-taking is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth. I approach risk with a balanced perspective, weighing potential rewards against potential losses. In my life and career, taking calculated risks has often led to significant advancements and personal development. Read more>>