What is the Most Important Thing You’ve Done as a Parent?

Parenting is an incredibly important responsibility and so we wanted to get a conversation going with input from parents in the community. We asked them: what is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent? We’ve highlighted some of the responses below.
As a parent, I’ll like to think that there have been several things that I’ve done to make an impact on my children but the most important out of them all has been laying a foundation centered on faith, integrity, and respect. Read more>>
As a parent of two wonderful children, aged 4 and 1.5, I believe that the most important thing I’ve done in terms of impacting my children is to provide a strong foundation rooted in faith and respect. Our family’s faith has been the cornerstone of our parenting journey. Read more>>
As a parent of 2 little ones (3 in one week!) – I have come to learn that our children are sponges. They absorb every thing we say and do, and those they come into contact with as well. We have to be the type of people we want THEM to be. Kind, compassionate, brave, self starting, honest. Read more>>
The most important thing that I have done as a parent is encouraged and allowed myself to grow with the flow. Choosing to be and consistently become the type of parent that I truly desire to be is a active and living process. Read more>>
I have a 10 year old son. Leading by example is most important to me. Teaching him that nothing is given to you, & that you have to develop a strong work ethic in order to succeed in life. I’ve put systems in place for him with school and around the house that will help him in the long run. Read more>>
There was a night I can pinpoint back in September 2022, where I was sitting at my kitchen table in the dark, mulling over what my next move was. I hadn’t taken the leap to go full time in photography yet. I was plagued with imposter syndrome. Read more>>
This probably sounds a bit old fashioned, but choosing to marry my husband has been the single most important decision I’ve made that has contributed to my success. I grew up in a family where my parents and relatives all worked for someone else. Read more>>
The single most important thing that has contributed to my success has by far been following my own vision. It’s so easy to get caught up in comparing yourself or your work to others and if they are doing great, well maybe I should just make my work look like theirs so people book me. Read more>>
I think the best decision I could’ve made was taking control of the narrative I wanted for my story. For years I was represented in a way that I had no say in, and it was a lot of personal building in order to become aligned with who I was and how I wanted to be presented in business, as well as personal life. Read more>>
I feel as though releasing the fear of failure has greatly benefited me. My journey has become widely centered around self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of my own fulfillment. When I freed myself from the weight of others’ opinions, I could begin growing more authentically as an artist. Read more>>
Other than deciding to work for myself, the single most important decision I made that contributed to my success was working with various different mentors from a very young age. I absorbed absolutely everything they taught me around marketing, sales, coaching, & more. By age 22 years old I had invest nearly $100k into mentors myself (100% of my own money, no business loans included). Read more>>