We asked rising stars from the community to open up to us about their end goal. We asked them where they want to be, professionally, by the end of their careers and have shared some of those responses below.

Charity Baroni Litzenberg | Performance coach & Counselor

At the end of my career, I hope to be able to look at my work and say “wow, I was able to help so many find themselves and fulfill their dreams a little bit more” I won’t be concerned about what is on my resume, I will feel the most fulfillment knowing that my reach was bigger than helping others move better. Read more>>

CAYLEA | Self-Produced R&B Artist

This is kind of cool to start with the end. The first big goal is to sign with a major label, but only after I have built the leverage independently to curate the right deal with the right people who get my brand and goals. I am not on the no-labels train, but I don’t think they are helpful until there can be an equal partnership. Read more>>

Tom Bender | Songwriter

My main goal is best summed up in this quote; “When it comes to music, if it’s something you love to do – never quit. No matter what the naysayers may say, if you can just touch one person through music, you have done your job. It’s not about fame, awards, etc. You have to love what you do first and foremost. Music can heal, bond, and unite people around the world. THAT is what it’s about and what we are about.  Read more>>

Pamela Little | Herbalist,Booking agent, personal assistant, manager, and so much more

Where I’d like to be. Is To have more artists on my roster that I can continue to help to build there careers. I like to see people succeed and happy. I live to make other have a Fantastic life. To be all they can and achieve what ever their goals are. Read more>>