Many books on startups and business talk about how there are right and wrong reasons for starting a business. So, we asked a handful of successful founders about their reasons and the thought-process behind starting their business.

Megan Jenkins | Wedding and Event Content Creator & Dental Hygienist

I’ve always enjoyed creating content for my own personal social media. I had started assisting wedding planners last year and I loved the wedding atmosphere. It was so much fun and getting to see people’s love stories first hand was amazing. Read more>> 

Haven Viola | Wedding + Elopement Photographer Viola | Wedding + Elopement Photographer

As a little girl, I didn’t dream of becoming a photographer and to see where I am now is so cool. Growing up, my goal was to be a singer writing music and touring. I started posting song covers on YouTube and quickly realized I needed a camera for better quality. Christmas of 2017 I was gifted a Canon Rebel t6 and from then on it was game on.  Read more>>

John Cureton | Founder & President

I personally have always enjoyed the thrill of building something and watching it succeed. I was consulting in the cannabis space in Tennessee and saw the need for a luxury experience, as not many retails outlets at the time were focused on providing something unique.  Read more>>

Sarah Ashley | professional problem solver

By the time 2018 had come around I had worked for every production company in the Nashville area and a few in other states. At the time I was working for an hourly rate to do what felt like running someone else’s business and I was looking for the next challenge. Read more>> 

Kenitra Wright | Wedding Planner & Event Management Consultant

The thought process behind starting The Wright Event Planner, LLC was my passion for helping people. I always knew I had a gift in Event Planning, but I did not take it seriously. I considered it as a hobby at one point or another. Read more>>

Lij Shaw | Music Producer / Podcast Host

I have always loved making music and was technically minded. So becoming a music producer made a lot of sense for me. I loved my experiences of being in various bands and learning how to engineer and produce records gave me the ability to essentially join many different bands while helping them record in the studio. Read more>>

Rich Gunderlock | Musician and Band Owner/Manager

I was a school teacher for 20 years, teaching elementary school music. At the same time, I was regularly playing music professionally, as a solo artist and also with my party band The Retreat. I was growing more and more frustrated with the the business of public school teaching, and I was making a lot more money playing music, so transitioning into playing music full-time was an easy decision. Read more>>

Michaela Romano-Smith | Food, Travel & Lifestyle Blogger & Influencer

The thought process behind starting my business was sharing what I love while simultaneously helping businesses, especially small businesses. I wanted to formally document and share my favorite restaurants and travel recommendations which naturally led to helping businesses from social media marketing efforts. Read more>>

Mikkita Moore | REALTOR®

My thought process started with me buying my first home at 44 years old…. Why??? Because I wish I had a ME when I bought my home in 2021… Although I had a great Agent and an Amazing Lender… I had NO CLUE what I was in for… when I made the first call to talk to the agent, I didn’t have a clue what DTI was… Read more>>

Joseph J4″ Wandass IV | Recording Artist

When I first started creating the musical artist and brand J4, I really was just a kid. I didn’t realize all that went into running a business that supports myself and other recording artists in the process. Read more>> 

TD KASH | Artist/ Business Owner

The thought of becoming a business/ Record Label owner started off as a what if. If I do this will this be successful for me, or if I were to do this will I put forward the effort to make this successful for me. Read more>>

Fawn Larson | Copywriter

I’ve always gravitated toward entrepreneurialism. I started my first business immediately after graduating from college and learned a lot of powerful lessons from that time in my life.  Read more>>

Joshua Bryant | Musician, Producer, and Content Creator

To be completely honest, I never saw myself as a business initially. I was always just having fun bringing the ideas in my head to life with creative video and music content, but had no idea it’d give me the opportunities that I have today! Read more>>

Rachel Walker Mason | Songwriter and Musical Theatre Creator

I have been self employed for more than 20 years, teaching singing, running choirs and doing other music-related projects so it felt like a natural progression for me to create my own umbrella company, Theatre Builders which incorporates my musical theatre work, masterclasses and other theatre endeavours. Read more>>

Stephanie Trail | Salon Nfuse Owner, Master Colorist, Hairstylist, Extenionologist, Wig Aficionado, Topper Queen

I wanted a place where I could continue to grow. No ceiling as they say. I wanted classes and continuing education for myself and other stylists. I wanted a place where I could give back to the community. I wanted an upscale place that clients would feel comfortable in. Read more>>

Zach & Maggie White | Music Artist

Ever since we met at Belmont in Nashville, TN we have both worked in the same area of the music industry as backing “session” musicians. After we married we were consistently hired as a pair. Read more>>

Dawn Menge | Dr.

I was not considering my author journey as becoming a has it has become. When I first published, I simply wanted to publish my children’s book as a way of creating a positive creative outlet. I now have fifteen published works and have won over ninety International literary awards and twenty-five Film Festival awards.  Read more>>

Casey Cox | CPA, Business Owner, Podcaster

I think I wanted the freedom to implement my ideas without having to convince whoever I was working for that it was worth trying. I also wanted to be able to take off whenever I wanted to do family activities without having to check in with anyone or tracking PTO. I wanted to be very present in my wife and children’s lives. Read more>>

Courtney Ramsey & Kelly Goodman | Owner/Stylist

We wanted to have more freedom to work around our families and create a brand that more accurately represented the two of us, and also would help us spread goodness in the world. Read more>>

Jennifer Mahan | Professional Photographer

My very first job was at a professional photography studio when I was just fifteen years old. I was captivated by the creative images but more importantly the nostalgia of the photographs themselves and what they mean to us. I saw the love that was poured into clients viewing their images and I wanted to be able to share that joy with them. Read more>>

Caitie Dodge | Founder and Designer of Caitie Nicole

Fashion has always been in my blood. My earliest memory was wanting a specific dress for my American Girl Doll, and not being able to explain what I was imagining to my parents. So, I made it. Read more>>

Christina Watson | Licensed esthetician

My thought process behind starting my own business was “is this the part in my life where I don’t want to work under someone else anymore?” I saw my sister in law, Mary and my brother, Keith, thrive from having their own businesses and seeing what it took to be successful, I knew I could do it too.  Read more>>

Amber Smith | Travel Advisor

My thought process behind starting/owning my own business is the goal of leaving a legacy for my family and my children. I have always admired people who have found a way to do something they love and have the opportunity to leave something behind for loved ones.  Read more>>

Tamera Watkins-Earle | Licensed Massage Therapist

Starting My Business Came To Me Through Life’s Experiences. Being A Woman that’s at Times The Deciding Factor In Most Decisions Made I Wanted To Create A Space Where We Could Take Time Out For Ourselves! Read more>>

Larry Mitchell | Grammy Award Winning Producer, Engineer. Self contained producer engineer musician (Guitar, Bass, Drums, Simple Keys)

It was out of Necessity. I had been signed to 5 record labels before in the ’90s and it was not fun. I nightmare actually. I got some recording gear after a friend offered me his place to use to make a record back in the 90’s you could not simply make a record with a laptop and a microphone like today. Read more>>

Makeisha McIntyre | Runner & Food Freedom Coach

When I thought about starting my own business I was definitely scared. However, I knew that fitness was a huge passion of mine and I wanted to help other people. I wasn’t exactly sure how I was going to start my business, so I did a few business mentorships which helped me set everything up. Read more>>

Pamela Jean | Business Owner/Artist

From selling bracelets at the end of our driveway to being the neighborhood’s favorite babysitter through my teens, I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset. In high school, I started my photography business and shortly after graduation, I embarked on my never-ending journey of music. Read more>>

Ray Remington | Writer & Photographer

I’ve always enjoyed doing things my way when I can. If I have a sound I’m looking for, I look for a creative team to surround me that could make that possible. I’ve done this with my recordings of the Texas Rose EP and Wyoming LP. These days I’m writing a lot with some Nashville writers. Read more>>

Step Allmond | Sports Performance Trainer

Being a former athlete it was very rare to find a trainer, mentor or someone to film a sports game. Upon starting my business I made it a priority to create a group where athletes can connect to for specific needs. Read more>>

Mercedes Hudson | Founder of Raw Soul” Foods & Content Creator”

Starting a business was a thought that occurred naturally overtime. In 2016 I decided to fast from eating meat for three months after noticeable falling asleep after a big 4th of July fest with family. When I woke up I wondered why I fell asleep in the middle of the day, I’ve always had a lot of energy and this was abnormal. Read more>>