Thinking Differently

We asked folks we admire to share one piece of conventional advice that they disagree with.
I’ve heard people say “you shouldn’t apply for certain things until you’re ready” but I disagree. There’s no harm in applying and sometimes you think you’re not ready when you ARE. As a Producer I’ve seen clips of Comedians that were not ready to be on the show but I simply moved on- it’s not like I remembered their name and wrote a big “NEVER” in my brain. Apply. Go for it. Read more>>
I have found that this statement often implies the inability to do something so you have to be “inauthentic” while making the effort. Let me offer that we often do things we have not done before! That’s how we learn and grow. I could not “fake” tying my shoes unless I just created an absolute mess. Read more>>
I often find myself disagreeing with is the notion that “the customer is always right.” This age-old adage, while rooted in good intentions, can sometimes be misleading, especially in the world of branding and design. Read more>>