Tell us about a book you’ve read

We asked rising stars from the community to tell us about a book they’ve read and the impact it had on them. We’ve highlighted some of those responses below.
As 2023 came to an end, I completed reading “Born With It: Unleashing Your Greatness” by J. B. Smiley, Jr. This book inspired me to ask myself important questions regarding my chosen path, to look at where I’m at, and where I’m going. However, it also reminded me to appreciate where I’ve been, and how each moment, good & bad, has been a stepping stone towards living my dreams. Read more>>
extensive all encompassing visionary poem based in the author, Dante’s time period in the 12 – 1300s of Florence Italy. But this beast of a sonnet has it all. Death, life, love, hate, envy. My first curiosity came from the obvious first section of the book Canto I, Dante’s Inferno. Read more>>
Can I say two books or one book and collection of books? Number one for me is that the Bible. It keeps me focused and it keeps me humble. The other is the 48 laws and power. I’m a critical thinking and this book helps see angles hadn’t considered. Read more>>