We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Charlotte Chipembere | Singer/Songwriter

Dreams cost money unless you’re really lucky. That’s what I found out really fast after moving to Nashville Post-Grad. An NSAI membership (albeit affordable) costs money, submitting your song for guaranteed feedback on playlist submissions cost money, professional photos cost money, and recording without a label costs money. I have been fortunate enough to live here with family so my risk was minimal in my move, but what is terrifying as an artist is the uncertainty of it all. Read more>>

Liam Slater | Singer & Songwriter

I think risk is inherent in being a professional creative for anyone. You have to bet on yourself that you’re going to “make it”, and that is risky. In order to give yourself fully to your creative passion there’s a lot you have to give up. Personally, I quit my job, moved to a city I knew no one in, left my friends and family, all to pursue a dream. That’s not an uncommon story, especially in Nashville. That’s what it takes. All of your energy, money, and time need to go into being a musician if you want to succeed, because there are plenty of other people who are giving just as much if not more. There’s risk in giving that much to anything, you’re putting all your eggs into this one basket and hoping it works out. Read more>>

Elizabeth Covington | Photographer

I’ve always loved photos! Growing up I was always so fascinated by how you could feel so many emotions just by looking at an image. How by a beach or mountain scene, you could feel so serene. If you’re looking at a photo of a mother and her child, you can feel the love between them. I also know just how important images of a loved one become once they are no longer with us. That’s why i love what I do! One day these images and our memories are all we have, and they are definitely things we cherish. I wanted to make getting photos done fun and not seen as a chore, letting children run and play so we get beautiful images without it feeling forced. Read more>>