Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
What makes me happy in what I do is the fact that it makes others happy. Being able to contribute to someone’s experience in a positive way is my favorite part about my job. People come from all over to vacation in Nashville and getting to give them a memory to take with them is a joy for me, and the same applies when I visit other cities as well. Read more>>
As I have gotten older I find my joy in more simple things. I really enjoy spending time with my cats and my friends and family. I am also very excited to be able to work with young folx. I see the passion and advocacy that they possess along with unlimited energy. Getting older has lots of ups and downs but learning to focus on experiences and the lives and growth of self and others is so much more enjoyable that focus on things. Read more>>
“Blood Meridian” by Cormac McCarthy. I think I started reading this book after I fell in love with a Ben Nichols record called “The Last Pale Light In The West”, which is a concept record based on this book. It’s violent, vile, unforgiving, and real. It’s the human condition without it’s makeup on. It’s hard to tell who the heroes are and who the villains are, and it seems to fluctuate, even. I think that’s why I love it so much. Read more>>
One of my favorite books is Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist.’ I first read it in my early twenties, a few months after taking a rather large leap of faith: I had resigned from my job as publicist in the music industry to become a librarian on a cruise ship. I intended to do this job for a short time – only for one year – but after reading ‘The Alchemist,’ a new thought process was triggered, and I realized my reasoning was based on fear and expectations rather than what felt right for me. The book played a part in what ultimately became my decision to continue working on ships for nearly seven years (only two as a librarian, the remainder as an onboard marketing/revenue manager). The experiences I had, lessons I learned, and people I met are ones I otherwise never would have encountered, and truly put me on the path to who and where I am today. Read more>>
Success is a concept we have to measure for ourselves. To take out the competition, the comparing, the ranking that others, society, history places on us. It’s an inside job. How do I know I am successful? Because I am healthy, happy, contributing to the world to make it better, living out my life + fulfillment. Those are some of the attributes and actions that make me successful. And also the counterpart’s where I may find myself being human + making mistakes, having failures to grow from, the challenges to get through in life. Those are success too, if I chose to conquer them, go through them with grace + learn and become better. We have one life on this earth to do and be all that fulfills us and if we can be on that path, happy + thriving each day by our own standards, well that’s success to me. Read more>>
I love this quote about success, “Sucess is never owned. It is rented and the rent is due everyday,” Rory Vaden. That really defines what the climb is like. Climbing the ladder of success is tangible, unpredictable and bold and you find out just exactly what you are made of during it. It is taking charge of the future of your brand. I define success as a hustle that grows into something worth devoting your life to, that you are completely passionate about and vested in and that will continue to support you and your family for years to come. Read more>>
Thanks for having me here! Really just deciding to ‘go for it’ and starting The Frst. I worked behind the scenes in music for years, but eventually I realized I had to work towards what I specifically wanted, which was being an artist. Working hard in one area doesn’t necessarily translate to another area and so I had to quit my other projects and go all in on The Frst. Read more>>