Our Linked Prosperity: how local businesses are helping their communities

Most of the media often paints all businesses with a single stroke, but in our experience businesses are each unique and so many of them are focused on making the world a better place. We’ve highlighted a few such gems below.
Meloscene is working to make a meaningful impact on the community and the world by addressing the critical issue of under-appreciation and underpayment of artists in today’s digital age. We have created a platform where artists, whether they are musicians, producers, rappers, digital artists, or teachers, can monetize their work on their terms. Read more>>
Fabled Farm Rescue & Sanctuary has rescued hundreds of farm animals, equines, and felines in only three short years. All rescued animals are given thorough medical care from veterinary specialists and farriers along with proper feeding and socialization. Read more>>
My non profit – Water Therapy was born out of my own experience as a veteran. My experience scuba diving and teaching scuba made me realize how utterly relaxing it is when you slip under the water. We started working with veterans for PTSD, and then realized all first responders ie fire, law enforcement, and medical folks had a unique version of stress. Read more>>
If we really want to change the world, we need to work to change the world we can see around us. The community that we interact with on a daily basis is where the real impact can be made. I am working with individual people on how to exist inside their own lives. Read more>>
I help people overcome the struggles of life by becoming the best version of themselves through mindset and fitness. Many people struggle with anxiety, depression, addiction, lack of purpose and direction. I help them by using accountability coaching, nutrition, training programing and weekly team calls. It’s a full on war if you want to change your life. Read more>>
We Serve The Personal & Social Development Needs Of Individuals Who Desire To Learn & Grow. Our vision is to reach the world with priceless principles of leadership, wisdom and empowerment. We create new opportunities for people to discover their life purpose. Read more>>
Well I think anything creative helps the world – something real – something honest what with all the fake things we are hammered with in the music and art world and the whole business world for that matter AI — Artificial -fake -.That’s not progress its regressive – They say its rolling with the times to make you feel obsolete if you don’t jump on board -I suggest you watch The Twilight Zone episode. Read more>>
Shop Black Fest began this journey five years ago in 2019, and since then, we’ve proudly collaborated with over 4000 different black-owned businesses across the country. Through our efforts, we’ve helped these businesses raise over $350,000 in revenue, creating a meaningful impact on their growth and success. Read more>>
I believe me being an author has impacted those around me by showing others they can step out of their comfort zones and achieve things they haven’t before. I’ve had people who knew me back in high school, who have reached out and said that I’ve inspired them to start writing themselves, and push themselves creatively. Read more>>
This question makes me think. The trends are to have some “charitable” expression through sharing the profits into the poor places in the world. And that is a good trend and generosity in action. I am a solopreneur, so I guess the organizations I support charitably would fit into this context as my business helping the community or the world, financially. Read more>>
My work gives visual proof in the form of portraiture that these people who are abled differently are capable and loved and doing all the things they were told they couldn’t. It’s hard to argue with the undeniable proof in front of your eyes. Read more>>
That’s a great question! On the surface, there’s not much that the art of magic can do to really impact the world. But, that’s only on the surface. Beneath that surface, magic can do just as much good as any art form. Read more>>