Meet Stephanie Haavik | Singer / Songwriter

We had the good fortune of connecting with Stephanie Haavik and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Stephanie, have there been any changes in how you think about work-life balance?
I am a hustler by nature, a ‘go-getter who doesn’t let the grass grow under her feet’ as it’s often told me. In the past few years I’ve learned to prioritize and appreciate true rest. Being truly rejuvenated results in effectiveness. I wish I had learned this in my 20’s as I may have avoided the all too dreaded burn-out. Living as though there is honor in filling up the day so full I could barely breathe left me, well, breathless. Balancing work with every day life is an art, especially when you truly love what you do and it doesn’t feel like ‘work’. Sometimes that may make it even harder. Something practical that has helped me along the way has been to split up my day in hours and by priority and to make sure my husband, our kids, and my heart and soul all get nurtured.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Creating music is one of the most joyful and meaningful ways I use the time given to me. In 2021 I released my first single, ‘Holy Spirit Fire’. It was a bit of a surprise. With a bit of a country/rock vibe it is not normally the genre I write it, but it was a fun first release. In 2022 I released an EP, ‘Posture’, which includes six original songs, one of which I wrote together with my Pastor, Bene’ Marsh. In September of 2023 I released a single, ‘Confidence’. All of the songs I’ve written are dear to me, but ‘Confidence’ is extra special. I wrote it together with two incredible women, Keri Aycock and Jessica Burch, and with my producer on the project, Sam Hart, who is incredibly gifted.
The process of releasing music is a learning curve and I love it! I never want to stay exactly where I am. Growth is a beautiful thing and I’m grateful for each opportunity to grow in my craft. It takes courage and it takes surrounding yourself with people who hold you up, push you forward, and encourage you on.
One thing I try to make very clear when it comes to releasing music, it’s not about me. I love Jesus more than anything and if the songs I release don’t point people to Him then it isn’t worth it. If I’m not willing to sing with everything I’ve got for an audience of one, Him, there’s no reason to be singing anywhere. I’m thankful for what I get to do and that I’m able to rest in the knowing that His timing is always perfect.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I live in North Alabama, in the small town of Decatur, right outside Huntsville, also known as The Rocket City. There’s a lot one can do in the area in the course of a week, especially depending on one’s preference. For me personally, some of my favorite things to do in my downtime is go riding with the hubs on our Harley Davidson, especially through the Bankhead National Forest area, as well as hiking, exploring down town areas and little boutiques. But if I’m being completely honest, since I’m introducing myself to you in a sense, I love hanging out at home, watching a good movie with the family, baking something delicious and dancing in the kitchen with my 13 year old daughter. The highlight of our week is our weekly Saturday night homemade pizza and movie night. We each take turns making pizza from scratch, the dough as well, and picking the movie (which normally involves a bit of arguing until everyone agrees). It’s a tradition in our family that is sorely missed when we’re on vacation somewhere without a kitchen.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
If it weren’t for my incredible husband, Tore Haavik, I wouldn’t be standing, much less have the freedom to pursue music. He has always been my biggest fan. He knows when to push, calls me out on my blindspots so that I can grow, and he does it all why cheering me on, loudly and proudly. I am so grateful for him and I love him dearly.
Also, I’ve never publicly thanked my dearest friend and soul sister, Keri Aycock. Do you have a person in your life that you honestly can not imagine what life was like before? Keri is that person for me. If you ever have the pleasure of having just one conversation with her you would walk away altered. I write, sing and lead worship differently because of the way she has spoken into my life.
Image Credits
Photo credits: Ella Honeycutt / Ellamak Creative