Meet Neely Isaac | 1st Grade Teacher

We had the good fortune of connecting with Neely Isaac and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Neely, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
As a teacher, I truly believe in work/life balance! It is so important to take time for ourselves. I believe that you cannot pour from an empty cup. I take the weekends for myself, my family, and my mental health! This means taking a break from work on the weekends because I know that it will be there for me on Monday! I am also a happier and better teacher when my cup is refueled.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am first grade teacher in North Carolina. I value my job and my students. They are the reason why I do what I do! I started A Classroom Journey almost six years ago to document my journey to becoming a teacher from college, internships, student teaching, and now in my job! I love what I do, although there are challenging days. We are demanded so much in our job. We are much more than a teacher. We are cheerleaders, nurses, therapists, and so much more.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I love to visit Nashville! Our favorite spot is the Tin Roof for some BBQ nachos!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would love to shout out Michelle Emerson from Pocketful of Primary! she was my biggest inspiration for becoming a teacher!
Secondly, I would love to shoutout Raising Little Carters on Tiktok! Her teacher fashion inspires me!
Instagram: @Aclassroomjourney
Other: Tik tok- Aclassroomjourney