Meet Luke Sherman | Senior Vice President – Folds of Honor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Luke Sherman and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Luke, we’d love to start by asking you about lessons learned. Is there a lesson you can share with us?
Always doing the right thing. Even at times when doing so was either “unpopular” or a significant task.
In leadership, people expect leaders to have all the answers and solutions. I believe it isn’t as much having all the answers but ensuring your people that they know you will do the right thing and will FIND the pathway through the problems and tasks – even at the expense of your time and well-being. Leadership is selfless.
Leaders serve their people. Do the right thing by them!
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
During the different facets of my career in law enforcement and now as an executive for the Folds of Honor, I believe the most fulfilling aspects have and will continue to be leading people.
There is nothing a group of determined people can’t do when they are equipped with the necessary tools and mental knowledge to do so. Positivity and empowerment are contagious. People naturally want to do well and when they are given the opportunity to influence and assist others on this journey, it is a powerful thing.
From leading SWAT, to commanding a Special Division of high achievers or the Civil Unrest response to the 2020 riots or as an executive for the Folds of Honor leading the associations national expansion to support First Responders, one thing is certain; leadership is about vision, courage and truly working to connect with those whom you work with and those that work for you. Expectations and personal accountability are where true leadership begins.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
The historic district(s) and buildings of the city.
To know who we are, we have to know where we’ve come from. History teaches us that. Understanding our past, learning from the mistakes and successes of the past helps form the leadership thought process for the future.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
The list is too long to present as one or two names.
My shoutout would be the leaders that helped form and craft me as an officer, supervisor and eventual leader. These individuals held the standard that I have utilized in my career while also presenting me with challenges and encouragement along the way that helped me grow as a leader.
The role of a leader is a selfless role where your mission is to accomplish the tasks and goals in front of you while maintaining integrity, character and finding ways to inspire and ultimately serve your troops during this process.