We had the good fortune of connecting with Kennetha Patterson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kennetha, let’s talk legacy – what do you want yours to be?
I was one of the trailblazing pioneers of the peer to peer solutions of lived experience as an Enhanced Asset of Housing Social Justice .

This means so much invisible volunteer work by those of US that started fighting around gentrification 2016, since the word lived experience has taken off like wildfire as an industry.

The silent fight behind the scenes to make the money REACH undeserved grassroots communites is finally OVER it has been screamed so loud .

I started this fight 2011 I had zero clue then but I saw this huge vision that extracts jewels from all the same sterotyped , neglected and undeserved communities.

How do we KNOW this by living it literally we know what all gaps barriers are and we are the best stakeholders to be paid advisors to our current citywide housing crisis ,not outside consultants.

Our community partners are together to build no harm permanent fully supportive healthy housing .

It’s History in the making , groups of humans like Skyview Apartments ground zero and others are experiencing uninhabitablity , codes violations including from codes , being denied right to counsel starting there and so many others reached out .

We simply want HUD s definition of housing as a human right to safe decent sanitary truly affordable and access to all ways of retaining humans into homes .

We do offer THE collective community solution too Within Our Campaign for change knowing the problems and the needs we look forth leaning into our grassroots capacity !!!!

What should our readers know about your business?
Title: Addressing Housing Disparities in Tennessee: The Work of Mrs. Kennetha “The Homeless CEO” Patterson Storyteller of poverty & homelessness !

The lack of legislative protections regarding housing in Tennessee is a critical issue that often goes unnoticed and unaddressed. As a result, developers and landlords often benefit from harmful bills, receiving federal funds unchecked. To combat this issue, Kennetha “The Homeless CEO” Patterson has established her for-profit organization, Innovative Jobs Solutions LLC, to provide “REAL POVERTY SOLUTIONS”.

This business is the successful exit of our hybrid non profit that dissolved once my mother passed away last year and this is the for profit that was apart of all our pillars that are still all very much so the mission ( Building partnerships , eco systems of housing , housing justice , and whole family restoration ) that is what I consider Kare Heirs Nation the foundation of it ALL !

Patterson’s organization aims to address housing disparities for those who fall outside traditional categories, such as the “Working Homeless”. Solutions proposed include establishing transitional housing cooperatives, developing container homes, and repurposing abandoned hotels into transitional housing.

Additionally, the organization’s community collective Housing Advocate Agency networks are working to prevent evictions, particularly illegal ones, and homelessness among large families by offering services such as court watch, workshops, and tenant peer-to-peer leadership development.

In order to further address homelessness and eviction prevention, Patterson is building partnerships with organizations at the countywide, state, and national levels. The goal is to advocate for legislative changes, provide mentorship opportunities, and create multi-generational wealth through public education and unique job training programs.

Through her personal brand, “The Homeless CEO,” Patterson shares her story and offers merchandise, Book Klubz, Karaoke Gramz, and housing & consumer expert speaking engagements.

She also aims to launch countywide initiatives such as Legislation, B2B Consumer Advisory University and creation of various apps to better connect with clients in the network.

Mrs. Kennetha “The Homeless CEO” Patterson’s holistic artistic creative approach to addressing housing issues in Tennessee emphasizes building strong communities, empowering individuals, and advocating for legislative change to ensure no person or family falls through the cracks. By working together and implementing innovative solutions, we can create a more equitable and secure housing system for all residents of Tennessee.

Mrs. Kennetha “ The Homeless CEO “ Patterson Storyteller of Poverty & Homelessness
We Believe that housing is the nucleus of every family,without it EVERYTHING goes haywire literally !!!!
Digital Business Card Link https://blinq.me/SWVCYv0aSxB5CzZUX5Ju?bs=db ( Take as much or less as you’d like )

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I actually did this for a Very Important Guest we had come out Dr, Monica Beasley author & Musical Artist that was on Red Table Talk , We had a private group out at Long Hunter Lake , you won’t really be able to find me too much in the Bussilng city I go to Nature as much as humanly possible !

Funny you asked this , because I again lead the CAB it’s the MOST important branch of homeless services because we are the LIVED Experience leaders and out fellow houseless friends just talked about how much they wished transit worked for the entire houseless population and we want to produce this from our CAB getting them to wherever THEY need to go we talk transit in this city over housing so in the mean time they’d LOVE the serenity whole waiting for HOME !

That is just one of their phenomenal ideas we all meet once a month 3rd or 4th Wenesdays following the vendor breakfast , at The Contributor ( Shouting out to them too ) , they can literally END homelessness & the cities current crisis with Uninhabitable units across the county , if we simply lissen to the voices of enhanced assets !!!!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
GOD 1st none of what I do is possible without HIM !

Community Bridges INC. , My Brothers Keeper Outreach Ministries Homeless Director , WVOL 1470 AM radio Mr. Hidelberg , I HAVE A TESTIMONY Global Podcast , Claiborne Family of Faith Worship Center Dr. Judy Johnson is our Pastor , Quality of Life Program , Alana McLaughlin of THE Perspectives show THANK you for really hearing the real housing crisis of Nashville TN , All the Council members that DID EVERYTHING THEY COULD to help us help constituents in Crisis in your districts we appreciate you we call to action each district on all things housing navigation via lived experience , Pamela Moses for US Senate 2024 Candidate I am a PROUD Committee member for the #CampaignforChange , I am also a Proud Committee member for Robert ( Bobby ) Kennedy blessing to his family in their recent loss prayers from Nashville TN , Journey to Impact & Would YOU Marry You Team & Board member , The Tennessean , Our Chance TN imma Peer Ambassador of Nashville Davidson County via Martha OBryan , Special Shout out to THE Healing Trust & Vanderbilt Office of Health Equity Mrs. Autumn and Dr. Elisa Fridemanhas been EVERYTHING !

I am the Continuum of Care Consumer Advisory Board Chair via Colloberative Applicant Office of homeless Services , also a COC Homeless Planning Commissoner ( check out my YouTube to see our presentation we just did in San Francisco CA it was Sooooooo GOOD ! https://youtu.be/XotLN4JtzuY

Cameo BoBo , Sybil Moore , Miss Gaines , KENYETTA TIDWELL ( once this is produced we will have ENJOYED the Black Rodeo thoroughly LOVE you COACH !!!! ) the reason I knew Hybrid non profit , Dr. Tazia Shorter The Kephera Kollective , Black Mental Health Village , Corner to Corner , A Very Proud Co Chair of the Meharry Community Engagement Core FAMILY !

To my Hometown Nashville TN it’s been rough but a sista has Arrived in changing the narrative in harmful housing & social services Be looking out have build a super strong web towards literally ENDING homelessness Shout out to Mr. Albert Townsend in DC National Alliance to End Homelessness one of our National Partners via Office of Homeless Services !

Shout out to OLD Nashville the reason folk came to Nashville , WE have NOT forgotten to be diverse , inclusive and equitable , lets see new eco systems by working TOGETHER out of poverty , homelessness & sterotypes !!!!

All that have gone before us DAndre Whitley , Mary Whitley , Raymond Whitley , Edward Whitley , Mrs.Tina Romona Whitley McGee ( My Mommy June 11th 2023 ) , Mr. Franky McGee ( Bonus DAD 6weeks apart ) , Esterlene & Nancy Patterson Mother & Grandmother in Love , Peter & Shirley Norman , CiCi , Henry Joe Akins ( My Dad ) , Mrs. Christine Short !

Mr. Kevin my interviewer THANK you so very much !!!!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Avc9wdPqwefG8BR2/?mibextid=A7sQZp

Other: https://blinq.me/SWVCYv0aSxB5CzZUX5Ju?bs=db

All of the ABOVE

Image Credits
Pamela J Moses 4 US Senante TN 2024

The Butterfly Picture my husband & I were taking care of a family member @ Ascension Midtown in the Garage

The Article was MNPS social studies back when I first started Advocating back in 2016 !

The people’s in the background was my FIRST CAB meeting I Chaired thats the ED of OHS April Clavin & our CAB policy & Advocacy Chair April Burns Norris as well !


Nominate Someone: ShoutoutTennessee is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.