Meet Jamison Fox | Singer-Songwriter, Teacher & Music Therapist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jamison Fox and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jamison, what do you want people to remember about you?
I want my legacy to be Love: that I helped believe in themselves and/or achieve their goals. Nothing is near worth the ability to guide and genuinely help other people. It’s truly a gift. I’m currently figuring out what that looks like going into this next year but I do know what’s already working. Staying out of focusing on myself and turning the focus on how I can be helpful. That doesn’t mean ignoring my own needs or shelving things I enjoy, but that my needs can often be met through helping others and seeing everything through the lens of service, gratitude, and Love. I think I have a lot to offer by way of knowledge and creativity and my lifelong goal is to create and follow through with tangible and accessible ways to share those parts of me.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I want the world to know that people are allowed to change, YOU are allowed to change. Give yourself permission to shift and grow into whoever you want/are meant to be. I often struggle with questions of “should I change my artist name to match the style of my music or the content I create?” so it all reflects the same “brand”. It’s too much pressure and responsibility for one person to uphold. Also, I’m learning that no one cares and isn’t psychoanalyzing your every move the way we do our own. It’s a false narrative. Want to put out more music? Do it. Want to put out music that sounds nothing like your other music? Do it. Want to start a podcast? Do it. Want to quit altogether and start up a new passion project or business? Do it! The only person holding you back, is you.
Getting back to “brand”, I think a human brand is the journey of a person’s life, changes and all. From 2020-2023, I was making what I consider to be commercial sounding pop music. Before that, I was creating and releasing more singer-songwriter focused records, which is what I consider to be the authentic version of myself that started in my early teens. When I got serious about wanting to create music “for a living”, I sought out more seasoned professionals in the industry and let them heavily influence my creative space and choices. I followed their advice to a T. Don’t get me wrong, I found success, but I lost my way. No amount of success made me feel whole. It still doesn’t, so I celebrate all my success now knowing that it’s a moment in time. A moment in time I am grateful for and then I move on and keep living my life.
I’m finding my way back to the version of the person I was and the music I used to create, on what I consider to be a higher plane. All that to say, I’m very excited to share this side of myself and the music that comes with it. Being me and sharing my own personal experiences sets me apart from others, not because they aren’t unique, but because I am uniquely me. To quote Oscar Wilde — “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
This is the best question! I’m a big foodie coming from New Jersey so my standards are quite high. If one of my best friends were coming to visit, I’d take them to my favorite restaurants including Two Ten Jack and The Smiling Elephant. If you want a great bagel, go to H&S. I also love a good show at the Listening Room and El Rodal Nashville always posts the most current writer’s rounds on Instagram. Other fun places to check out are Pin’s Mechanical, the new Putt Shack was pretty cool as well (when it’s not packed), Bongo East, and I hear Up Down is awesome (still have to check it out). I’d probably do a quick tour of Downtown/Broadway and Printer’s Alley for the experience but typically that’s not my scene. I have yet to walk the Pedestrian Bridge but Shelby Park is nearby and such a lovely place! As is Cornelia For Airpark! I am a die hard East Nashvillian. I definitely think I’ve found most of the gems here, but there’s also still lots to explore!
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Wow this is a tough one. It’s not just one person, place, or thing, but the culmination of many. My parents, for one, have always supported me unconditionally. I am blessed to have had that kind of love from the start. Honestly, I think anyone I’ve ever met deserves credit in shaping my story. Most recently, my roommate, Joanna (Wangi), helped me reach the current chapter of my life. I was in a very lost place by the summer of 2022. I had lived in Nashville just under a year and had little stability; enough to keep me afloat. Joanna helped point me in the right direction after I identified that I kept reliving the same situations without any hope for change. I joined a 12 step recoverygroup and developed a faith I knew existed but never took the time to cultivate a relationship with. A year and a half later, I’m a very different person in the way I perceive and react to circumstances and situations that would have completely thrown me in the past. I stumbled upon and started listening to like-minded people and podcasts a few months after my epic awakening. They continue to be an inspiring and integral part of my life and recovery, my spiritual toolkit if you will – The Big Book of AA, Love is Letting Go of Fear (which I started as an audiobook and listened as I drove from NJ to Nashville July 2021), A Course In Miracles, Create The Love (Mark Groves), Dear Gabby (Gabby Bernstein), and Joyce Meyer sermons and podcasts to name a few of the big ones. Now that I’ve found this way of life, there’s no going back, and I am so grateful for and to God for everything I’ve been given and what’s been taken away. I work hard to have my external world (friends, family, relationships and interactions, social media) reflect the content I consume and believe in as well.
Image Credits
Studio shot with arm outstretched – Yakov Vorobyev All other photos – Brittany Lane