Meet Hunter Logan | Radio Personality & Singer Songwriter

We had the good fortune of connecting with Hunter Logan and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Hunter, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I get asked this question or some form of this question quite a bit, and to be honest, I never get tired of answering it. The truth is, I never really had any kind of plan or thought process for starting a business, I just can’t work for anyone more than around two years at most. The only time I worked for a company more than two years at a time was Uncle Sam. I was in the United States Air Force for six and half years I believe and got out right after Desert Storm. So to say there was a plan set in place there wasn’t. But, what was set in place was a big lump of faith and a belief in God and that he would provide if I would just be obedient.
What should our readers know about your business?
HLE Radio is an internet Christian Country Radio station that is ran just like a major FM station or what used to be called a terrestrial station. We have a store front presence on Main Street in Jennings Louisiana and we are heard currently in 191 countries out of the 195 known countries in the world. Our goal is to tell people about Jesus without the religious legalism that has surrounded it for years. As I said earlier, HLE Radio was started with a lump of faith and a belief that God would do what he said he would do. I didn’t know the first thing about running a radio station much less an internet radio station. Many business people have tried to our model on paper and make a business plan out of it and without fail they all say, this doesn’t work. What you are doing really doesn’t make sense on paper. That’s when I tell them, it is because this is not man’s business plan it is God’s business plan.
What sets us apart from others? I think one of the biggest thing that sets us apart from others is that we are a ministry first radio station. I really don’t think people really grasp what that means when you say that. It is more than just saying it. You have to live it day in and day out. We all know it takes money to run a business. There is rent on a building, electricity, insurance, water, internet overhead etc and that takes money. But when you are doing ministry, real ministry, the money is second to ministry and that is a hard road to hold and it isn’t for everyone. There is a passage in the bible that says Many are called but few are chosen. There is a reason why few are chosen, the majority just let it go to voicemail I believe.
I am most excited about what God continues to do through our radio station. If I am going to be honest, I am just as excited today as I was twelve years ago when we first started. We are spreading the good news through song around the world and letting folks know what Jesus Christ has done and can still do for them.
Was it easy? Of course it wasn’t! When me and my wife made the decision for me to go full time with the business she knew it was going to be a rough and rocky road. It wasn’t her first rodeo as she had been through it before when I decided to go into music full time as an entertainer. In fact, we were a two income household dropping down to a one income household over night. During the time of building the station, our house started to go into foreclosure, both of our vehicles were being repossessed and our friends and church members turned away from us. I can remember one week where we didn’t even have money for a loaf of bread and bologna and I joking. So no it wasn’t easy, but it was definitely worth it.
The only way we over came all those challenges was faith in God. Without faith it is impossible to please God and since I am doing his work, I had to stand on my faith. But if I am going to be totally honest with you, that is all I had at the time was faith! There was no plan put into action, there was no borrowing money from a friend, there was no big church to underwrite any of it, just pure and simple faith in God. Faith that he would reward our faithfulness. And you know what? He most certainly did and still is to this day!
What I have learned along the way in this journey is he really is an on time God. And that I need to show more patience and not put the cart before the horse so to say. And the biggest lesson of all, share. Make more stations so we can reach more people and give other a chance to answer a call to ministry.
This is what I would want people to know about HLE Radio. We strive to do the best we can by bringing the best music we can find with the best quality. We make it more about the music and make sure that the music has a message that will be uplifting, positive and touch your soul. HLE Radio is truly a ministry first radio station and we always say it like this. The goal is souls.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Well, with Jennings being such the big metropolis it is, it would take all of five minutes to see it, but there are a lot nice and unique places close by since you would be in Cajun Country. I guess it would go something like this. We would put you up at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Jennings as we have a deal in place with them. Then you would of course be my guest co-host on the Morning Show which is done live in the studio. Then after the show we would go to Bourbon Street Restaurant for a good breakfast and then I would take you to the Gator Chateau where you could pet some live alligators. Then there is a wonderful cafe in town called Green’s which has some great Cajun cuisine for lunch or the Cajun burger which is what I get on Jalepeno bun. After lunch you can check out some of the local merchants in town or go back to the hotel and rest up because that evening we are going to take you to an authentic Fai do do (Cajun Dance). There is a restaurant out in the middle of a rice field down the road a ways out of town where you can eat and dance to a live Cajun band. You can get the real Cajun culture experience, not the made up stuff you see on television.
There are so many different historical and local attractions around us with in an hour to an hour and a half drive that I would just get out the map of Acadiana and let you pick what you wanted to do and then we would be off. Of course, after I’m done on The Morning Show!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are two as a matter of fact. God the almighty and my wife Roilyn.
God who with him all things are possible. I have seen him do so many things not only in my personal life, but in my business life as well.
My wife Roilyn who stood by me when no one else did. When we first started the radio station, we had a lot of opposition and her income was the only income coming in. Our house was going into foreclosure, our vehicles were being repossessed and yet she never said enough is enough go get a job. She had enough faith in God and in me that she knew that this business would grow and be a blessing.