Meet Grace Lauren | Drummer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Grace Lauren and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Grace, how do you think about risk?
Thats been the biggest thing for me. I don’t mean this in a negative way but I feel like I can say this because my dad isn’t around anymore. I watched my dad miss out on every opportunity because he was scared of taking the risk and possibly failing. It was sad to see because he had so much to give but let everything slip away because a risk was involved. I used to be just like that, I’d get an opportunity and immediately say no because in my head I thought I’d fail. Once I took drums seriously something shifted and I let myself be scared but I did it anyway. Every time I’ve been terrified of doing something its turned out to be the best thing I could have done. I used to get really anxious and overthink every audition I had and with taking the risk of ‘well this could go horrible and I’ll embarrass myself and be mortified forever’ which was a possibility (and there are in fact moments I still cringe thinking about but oh well, laugh about it later) or I could leave the audition having succeeded. I’d rather deal with the reality that I might fail than turn down an opportunity and have years go by still wondering what could have happened if I pushed through and did it anyways. It gets easier too, auditions are no big deal you either get it or you don’t and if you get a no one day you’ll get a yes. Without risk I’d never get to experience that euphoric feeling after playing a show. Its like the quote always do what you’re afraid to do. If I’d have waited to get into music later in life I’d have missed out on some core memories and experiences that broadened my perspective at a young age.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’d say I am proud of the opportunities I’ve gotten. For being nineteen I’ve played a lot of gigs and played with amazing people. This past year I’ve gotten to play shows in Seattle, and of course California, with members from bands like Heart, Tracy Chapman, Pablo Cruise, and The Tubes. The journey hasn’t been easy, I’ve been really lucky without a doubt but life has its ups and downs and I think we can either choose to grow from those challenges and learn from them or stay stuck. I think it comes down to you live and learn. I’m from the Seattle area and moved to California right after I turned eighteen and the band I moved for sounded very promising. I was told there were gigs lined up and recordings and all that stuff. Yet the moment I actually made the move it all fell apart. Turns out the leader of the band who technically ‘hired’ me wanted a girlfriend not a drummer. That there was my biggest learning curve for me. Theres no way that would happen now but it did teach me to be cautious. I was young and naive with a goal of being a drummer and of course some people don’t have the best intentions and will run with it. Outside of that playing clubs and biker bars underage has been nothing short of a positive experience. Its always been a fun time, always entertaining to say the least.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Santa Monica is one of my favorite places, you really can’t beat the ocean. Venice, Laguna Beach, stunning places. My other favorite thing is to take highway 50 up to all the old gold rush towns in northern California. I love driving and looking at all the rolling hills and endless scenery with the historic towns scattered about. Nothing beats listening to music with the windows down and that smell of nature in all the seasons wether it be the hot summers or crisp cold winters. If I were to show my friend around it would mostly be country roads, car shows, and going to some local venues. I grew up on an off grid island and then lived on a farm before coming out to California and outside of music I’m a pretty big introvert so my idea of fun is more nature oriented
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
So many people have played huge parts in where I’ve gotten today. I wouldn’t be the person or musician I am now without the mentorship and friendship from my friend Halie. She’s just amazing and gave me priceless information about being in bands etc. I’d also thank my friend Spencer who was my very first bandmate and taught me a lot. He helped me grow immensely as a musician when I was younger and played that big brother role that I’m very thankful for. There are so many people that’ve played a huge part in my life as my career continues but those two really taught me a lot and without a doubt I wouldn’t be where I am now in my playing without them.
Other: [email protected]
Image Credits
Steve Pagano JC Armstrong Photography Monica Rock Photography IBJade Photography