We had the good fortune of connecting with Devin and Samantha Westbrook and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Devin and Samantha, the decisions we make often shape our story in profound ways. What was one of the most difficult decisions you’ve had to make?
The most difficult decision we’ve made was to start. We started Redemption Church with no money, no members, no mentorship, and no momentum. All we had was a GO from God.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
We believe that you don’t have to be this or that, you can be this AND that. Our mandate includes helping people/being problem solvers in various ways.

Pastor Devin Westbrook Sr. is a church planter, professor, masterful preacher, and curator of “The Art of Preaching” Masterclass. Pastor Samantha Westbrook is a licensed realtor, editor, and Executive Pastor. Together, they are the certified success coaches of “Marriage Maintenace,” their unique version of counseling, and Westbrook Media & Publishing Company operators.

We’re too old for false humility, so when you got it, you just got it. The Westbrooks got it. We’re real, relevant, transparent, authentic, honest, heartfelt, and spirit-filled, and we desire to help everyone assigned to us get to destiny. We have the oil for marriage, the oil for ministry, and the oil for the marketplace.

It has not been easy, but the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

We’ve learned a life-long worth of lessons.

You’re only as strong as the weakest person on your team. When building or managing a team, be sure they have the High C’s: Competence, Character, and Chemistry. If firing them crosses your mind go ahead and do it. Don’t pay people or keep people around you know don’t fit. When they’re not a good fit, they will cause chaos to the culture.

At the same time, be a leader who cares about people beyond their gifts and contributions. Discover their love language and be intentional about speaking to that. Be okay with training, equipping, and pushing your “Rockstars” to pursue things that don’t involve you. Great leaders produce other great leaders.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
We dedicate our shoutout to the members and partners of Redemption Church. Together, we are Kingdom Builders who are strengthening members, winning souls and uplifting the community.

Website: www.redemptionlifenow.org, www.marriagemaintain.com

Instagram: redemption_mphs, iampastordevin, allthingssamanthawestbrook

Facebook: Redemption Church

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@redemptionchurch62/featured

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutTennessee is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.