Meet Corey Travis | Performing Arts Director, Musician, Singer, and Band Director

We had the good fortune of connecting with Corey Travis and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Corey, what role has risk played in your life or career?
The biggest plus in my career is taking a risk, and that’s taking a risk on yourself. With the non-profit organization I created I chose to take a risk and create my lane of youth community performing arts like nothing else in Memphis. After thriving in the arena for years with schools, I took the risk and started something brand new by myself with no resources it could have failed and I could have lost all I invested but 5 years later I’m standing strong and that risk along with much other help push forward my dream and mission to create my very own lane.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My current career is a fine-tuned mix of Music all day every day! I currently teach band at Raleigh-Egypt High School in the Day, work as the Executive Director for the Nonprofit I founded in the evening called Memphis Youth Arts Initiative, I am the Minister of Music at two churches where I teach choirs and sing, and am involved in music even more as a singer in the Tennessee Mass Choir and more. I have worked so hard since I was 19 years old to become relevant musically with little or no adequate musical training until I got to college. It was not easy to have a passion for something you love to do but lack the skills to progress in it professionally and for money. I created my brand and organization out of all the adversity I experienced to get where I am today. I couldn’t get hired to teach and bring music to young people at one point in my lofe so I created my own business to do it and still ended up five years later working professionally teaching music, making money, and saving lives with my concept.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I LOVE MEMPHIS, it’s MY CITY, and here’s what we would do for a week in the Big M!
Within a few days, We must wake up and take a morning walk along the Mississippi River and watch the sunrise and the city buzz people wake up and cars start moving around and about. Then take it over to Sunrise to eat some of the freshest fluffiest biscuits and fresh homemade strawberry jam you have ever had in your life. Next, let’s explore all of the classic Memphis stops like the National Civil Rights Museum, Graceland the Home of Elvis, Mud Island, and Sun Studios when it happens. For lunch, we gotta grab a Burger combo from Dixie Queen and experience a good snack from the brown plain bag with the grease stain on it. Then we can stop by my aunt’s crib in Hollywood, North Memphis so we can sit on the porch and talk about everybody who passes by but love on them all the same. Then we can stop by Tanger Outlets in Southaven and do a little bargain shopping before dressing up and getting a steak from the most elegant Porch and Palor.
Another day we can get up and help me run some errands going to Paradise Cleaners in Hollywood to pick up my dry cleaning then heading over to Tormoninas corner store to get the best breakfast and a pork chop sandwich from the sweet ladies or work there. Creep down to Whitehaven’s own Muggin Coffeehouse and get some amazing beverages that would put Starbucks to shame and then we can experience the Ducks at the Peabody. ONe of my favorite lunch spots would welcome us at A-Tan where fresh Hibachci is served daily. Let’s stop by the University of Memphis so I can get a couple of hours of study and work on campus. Then let’s take a trip to the Crosstown Concourse and experience life in motion in midtown, especially when the high school students just got out, the farm burger has opened and the Church Health Center is seeing patients even get a mani and pedi while we are there.
I could say so much more but ill stop right there cause its tons much more to do and food to try!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I can shout out so many people and organizations who helped stir success for me and my endeavors! I don’t want to miss anyone so I can safely say that my entire family, my church family, my close friends, my roommate, and my god sons and daughters who are just as real children to me blood or not. I have encountered countless people who met me and immediately believed in me, my dreams, and my aspirations, especially on the job like the staff from Holmes Road & Hamilton Elementary. My sister from another mother, Chef Tam, has pushed me every step of the way. Most recently a few years ago, an organization called Memphis Music Initiative sent a young lady by the name of Tawanna Brown my way who changed the trajectory of our organization with their help and capacity building into the organization we are today. AN I can’t forget to mention Pastor Michael Todd and his church family Transformation Church who gave us our very first large donation of $50.000 live during a worship service. Lastly, my Sister Nene and My Brother Big Mike through all my crazy days and choices, stand by me and support me through all the ups and downs, the lows and highs!
Instagram: @coreyfredtravis
Facebook: Corey Travis
Youtube: Memphis Youth Arts Initiative Performing Arts
Image Credits
J Graves Photography