Meet Anderson Ayers | Music Executive, Creative Director & Professional Photographer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Anderson Ayers and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Anderson, where are your from? We’d love to hear about how your background has played a role in who you are today?
I am originally from El Paso, TX. Was born there and spent the first, like, 7 years there before my family moved to a small town in Minnesota. I lived with my mom as my dad was military and traveled all over when I was young. So I’d bounce back and forth from MN to wherever my pops were. I also was not in a rich family. If anything we were poor. Struggling. Fighting for survival.
I think this plays a vital role in who I am as a man these days. My brother who grew up with me but stayed with my dad, goes to show how moving around affected us. As he became more introverted, I grew into a vibrant personality. Having to meet new people, make new friends. To start over every time you travel somewhere else. Probably the main reason I’m a people person. I feel as if I can relate to anyone. That I can create a connection with ANY person I cross paths with. I take pride in that when it comes to the businessman I’m becoming.
And the poor lifestyle we lived shaped me today in my actions/behaviors. I’m always hungry. Hungry for more. Hungry for what I never had. Everything I do in my life, in the present, is to give back to my family in ways they couldn’t give to me. To give my 3 boys EVERYTHING and EVERY opportunity I never had. Poor made me strong. Poor made me hungry for the new. Being poor made me never want to be poor again. But poor made me kind. Made me understand people better. Poor made me humble. I’m happy I entered this world how I did. May not have been pretty or easy, but I wouldn’t change my family, ever.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I wouldn’t say there’s anything that sets me apart from others. I’m just a regular dude. I didn’t come from money. I am not super smart. I’m good looking but I ain’t GOOD looking, ya know what I mean!? Lol. I’m just regular.
I just tend to do a few things others might not such as, reading books to add to my mind. Being conscious of my daily actions and thoughts. Being mindful of how I speak to others. Being aware that there is opportunity everywhere if you’re willing to look for it. Actions like these may make me “different” but it’s nothing you can’t do either. I just do what most don’t, so I can live how most can’t.
It sure wasn’t easy getting to the spot I’m in now, and even that isn’t a huge spot. I’m striving for more everyday and I will achieve all my goals and dreams. To make it this far is a blessing. To be able to tell my story for the second time now, for people to notice my work, to have some fans, to see my family support me more and more, just goes to show that all those youtube videos on photography, all those books, all the business ventures I’ve tried and failed, means they weren’t for nothing. They all pushed me to keep going. To keep striving for the 1%.
I’m just a regular guy trying to live a not so regular life. Not everyone gets to live the luxury lifestyle. Some die before ever reaching that point. I just don’t want to be that way. I don’t want my children to live how I did. Made me strong but also left a lot of scars. And with the work I do, I am just trying to grow a platform so I can offer other people who have the same type of story, a chance. I want to be an opportunity for others. I want to be able to change people’s lives for the better just by getting to know me. Struggling isn’t fun, and if I can use my crafts to create a platform for other creatives and artsits, then I’ll be happy.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Man! If my boy Jonny T came to visit me, we wouldn’t even need to do anything but grab a few beers, and a few friends, and get to hanging out at the crib. My best friend and I go way back!
BUT, for the sake of this article, our week would be eventful. As a creative and executive of Notoriety Music Group LLC, I’d have plenty of things for us to do, especially in the summer or holiday season.
See, I have the know on events or shows being put on. And I may even know who is performing or hosting the event which could give us backstage access or VIP type of treatment. Probably free entries. Just to show my boy that I got him that week.
My homie is a smart man, I don’t know his job title but he’s practically a scientist haha! But a cool one at that. Anyway, I’d do an escape room with him because I know that’d be a dope experience. Also just show him the city. Don’t think Jon has even been to Memphis so gotta show him around. Let him get a feel for the culture around here.
Usually, you could find me at Oasis Hookah Lounge on Highland, so I know we’d be there for drinks and vibes.
Now I may receive backlash from my Memphis folk but I’d show him my favorite spots, Tim’s Chicken, Stax Wings, Sumo Japanese, and the Mexican food truck on the corner of Winchester and Hickory Hill. Shooot, another food truck on Winchester and Riverdale. Texas de Brazil because why not break the bank? Honestly, Memphis has great food so anywhere we stopped, we’d enjoy ourselves.
Lastly, I’d make sure he met my people and was able to meet some dope people I surround myself with. Let him live in my lifestyle a bit.
Jonny T and I grew up in a small town in MN. Plus Jonny isn’t very outgoing like me per se. He definitely can get wild but for the most part, he doesn’t live a flashy lifestyle. Prefers a more laid-back scene. Where I like the scene. I love the people, the music, the fame, the crowds. I enjoy being in the midst of things. So to let him see how I live these days, I just know he’d have fun with me and be able to go home and relax after a dope week!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are a few people in my life that I can shout out to.
Firstly, we gotta thank the moms! I love my mom. We clashed as I was growing up but there came a point where I grew up and realized my mom fought tooth and nail to give me a shot in life. I didn’t get them all but my mom did everything she could for me and I’ll always thank her for that. But within my business ventures, my mom stands in my corner and pushes me to keep going. When I’m in a slump, when I’m feeling down and out, I can reach out to her and she’ll remind me of who I am. She’ll pick me back up, even if I am 3x her size! So big shout out to my momma!
Another person in my life right now who is very influential to me is my business partner Cammeron. Look, this man is a genius and everyone needs to know it. Dude is like 2 years younger than me, I believe, but has the mind of a millionaire who is in his 50’s. Cammeron helps motivate me to be a better businessman on the daily. Giving me books to read, teaching me about how business works, and helping me with my credit and credit knowledge. Money management, media skills. Man anything you need to know about business or how to elevate yourself, that’s the man to holla at! Shouts out to you Cam!
Thirdly are my 3 boys. I have twins, Apollo and Astro, and a mini me, Alijah. They are my world. They are the single most reason why I want to better my health, go harder in my businesses, to even just wake up every day. Almost every move I make, is with those 3 in mind. If it can’t somehow impact my children’s lives for the better, with the daily decions I make, then I can’t do it! Nothing on this planet will ever be more important than my boys, not a job, not a business, not money, nothing. I love you 3, forever and always. Shout out to you!
Instagram: anderson_ayers
Twitter: AndersonA94
Facebook: Anderson Ayers
Youtube: notoretymusicgroup
Image Credits
Photos taken and edited by Anderson Ayers