We had the good fortune of connecting with Alexa Shea Falk-Johns and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Alexa Shea, can you tell us about an impactful book you’ve read and why you liked it or what impact it had on you?

The first book that came to mind was Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life.” The principles of that book changed my life. I learned to love myself and how to rely on the owner within to change, course correct, heal, and re-create myself, and my circumstances.

I’ll never forget the day I “accidentally” discovered that book. I say accidentally with some sarcasm, because looking back I can see how it was all Divinely orchestrated. Anyways, the day I found Louise Hay’s work was a day when my pain came to a searing point, and I just couldn’t fathom another day in the agony I had been living in. I guess the self-admittance of the personal anguish and despair must’ve been enough of a soul surrender for my own love to begin to lead me in a way that I hadn’t experienced before.

I remember it vividly. I was in the waves of another violent relapse with an eating disorder that nearly took my life. I felt I had done everything to try to recover, but it felt impossible. On top of that… my music career, and family life was in complete disharmony and disarray. I felt crushingly disappointed and defeated by life… just like a total failure, and totally out of control. Then I got angry.

I had prayed before, but not like this. This was more of a rant to life -rather than a meek plea for God’s guidance. So, with tears streaming down my face, I looked up and put my middle finger to the sky and screamed “fuck this, fuck you, whatever the fuck you are!! I’ve done everything I can, what are you, where are you? I’ve held up my end, why haven’t you!?” I went on for a while, and I just remember further breaking down with such deep sobs I could barely breathe let alone get get my words out. My yelling became a hoarse whisper… in that moment I was okay with giving up, because it seemed like it was the only think I hadn’t tried. I cried out “I can’t do this anymore! If I’m supposed to be here, then show me why? I can’t do this anymore!”

Then I fell asleep!

When I woke up I was laying down in the backseat of my car. I looked up again through the tinted glass window, and felt the awareness that the emotional storm I had summoned through me had passed a bit. I momentarily got my shit together and walked back into my hotel room. Later that afternoon my sister Natalee and I went for coffee’s. She was my safe place and knew the depths of hell I was going through. In fact… if she hadn’t been my sister and best friend I might not’ve made it to my 18th birthday.

Anyways… Nat and I had always found comfort and connection in coffee shops, so we decided to head into the nearest Starbucks… which happened to be in a Barnes and Noble bookstore.

We walked in and I just remember how odd it was that I was totally aware of my senses as if it was the first time experiencing them. Sound, scent, touch, taste, and textures… I was actually feeling my clothes on my body -which for me was an unfamiliar sensation because I had literally lived in my head, and totally disconnected from my own physicality for so long. Now looking back I feel it was my in the moment of presence that I began witnessing myself engaging with all of my 5 senses. That re-emmersion into my body must’ve opened the door for my 6th sense to be activated. Intuition hit like a lighting bolt. This intense curiosity had me wandering aimlessly towards an unknown but definite destination through hallways made from rows of tall bookshelves.

Before I realized where I was, I found myself holding a beautifully colored book. I don’t recall deciding on it, or even picking it up… I just felt magnetized to it, and without thinking about what I was doing I began to flip through, and glanced at a page or two as I made my way up to the cashier to buy it. This may sound fantastical, but it was as if my future self was making the decision through me… or something like that. It all felt, and still feels (in memory) a bit floaty, and euphoric. Sort of like a wakeful dream.

Without any hesitation I devoured it’s contents. That book opened something in me to the possibility of a positive“what could be” and for once it didn’t feel like terror -in anticipation of what was lurking around the corner. In fact it was if the previous undercurrent of terror had left my spirit and something else was planted in its place. It was hope. And that hope soon began to grow.

I am still so in awe of Louise Hay, she cured herself of cancer…. Literally … through the power of the principles she shares in her book. She had an incredibly difficult upbringing, and it wasn’t until she was well past middle age that she began the transformation of her own life which has inspired self-transformation in myself, and millions of others. In her late 50’s/60’s when most people are getting ready for retirement, she was starting her own publishing company “Hay House.” (Which I believe is still the largest self-help/spirituality publishing company in the world today.)

I’m eternally grateful to Louise Hay, and I recommend anyone, and everyone give her book “You Can Heal Your Life” a read!

Some of the principles in her book are

Self love
The power within you
Positive affirmations
Mirror work- total self acceptance and approval
Kindness to self and others (dissolving the habit of criticism for yourself, and anyone else)
Loves infinite power and possibility
Meditation and self reflection
Healing beliefs and negative thought patterns/actions
Trusting life
Being safe in the universe

(This list is just me naming a few of my fav’s! Read it, and find out for yourself!)



Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
So.. where to begin? I guess i’d have to start by saying that my work is both artistry and business, and what i’ve found is that i’ve had to treat the two entirely different. Artistry for me is my connection to my spirit, and it’s expression out into the world. that is the creating part of my career and that part is so indescribably delicious that i can’t even begin to put into words the thrill I get in receiving music/ ideas/ and the next right step.

what i’ve learned as of the last 5 years is how to let myself be on with the creation, but to see it as a commodity once it is complete, and then received…. that is the part i have no control over. in the past i used to let my self worth be deeply effected by the response a creation of mine and it’s “success” in the world. -because it felt like it was me. not just regular me, but like a naked me on a stage reading my diary for the whole world…

I don’t feel that way anymore, in fact i can say i have a healthy armor when it comes to good or not so good opinions. i first get solid in what MY opinion is before even listening to anyon elses. and Now, i realize that the act of creating in and of itself is my truest self, and that just getting it into the world is a success. once it’s out there it also belongs to those who consume it and their unique perspective and connection to it. positive or negative. that shift of understanding has been so huge for me. it’s opened the door for me to feel free to create what my heart is truly yearning to say.

and with that said (no punn intended)

that leads me to my business Viibe Hii Productions
i created a tv show called soul sound. we just got picked up by a HUGE company, and i can’t say what network we’ll be on yet… so ( follow my social media pages and i’ll keep everyone updated as we go.)

Soul sound is a inspirational music based docuseries that features the biggest songwriters, producers and Alist stars in music. it’s humanitarian based, and will take the audience through the process of songwriting and bring them along for the ride of empowerment. we have the depths of emotion packed into every episode, and by the end the audience will be so surprised, and uplifted my hope is that they will awaken to their own inner call to create and take action to expand their consviousness and raise their frequency in some way.

the idea for the show came to me about 6 years around… right around the time my dad got diagnosed with cancer. it was a response to a call/ aka a prayer i had been praying “how can i help my dad heal”

anyways… i wont give away too much about what came next, you’ll have to tune in soon to see that… but what i will say is that my call to create this show is what came first. i had no idea i’d one day own my own production comapny, and would be partnered with one of the biggest Companies known world wide. I didn’t know I’d have my own team, amongst a massive team all believing in, and supporting me and my show. I had no idea how to do any of it. i had never EVER even thought about creating a TV show before this, yet it felt like marching orders from on-high, or deep down inside? idk, but whatever it was… that need to create this and make it a reality lit a flame within me that roared into a divine fire of passion and a bigger purpose for the collective.

so my aha from it all, is to be honest about what you long to do. your longing is your calling. it may seem totally illogical, but fuck logic. stop thinking with your head, and think with your heart. feel into what lights you up. once you can feel that… even just a little bit. write it down. then, just spend 5 minutes a day on that subject. you don’t have to do anything other than day dream a little bit about what that might be like, or you could take one tiny, baby action… like looking someone up on google, or saying a prayer, or writing down your idea… whatever it may be, i can assure you it will be, if you are willing to just show up for yourself and your true dreams… for just 5 minutes a day. (you can set a timer)

The rest will be revealed to you.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
My house! hahah i only say that because i have a super magical unicorn crystal room of my own in my house. really tho… it’s epic. I host womens moon nights, and Wednesday wine nights in there! I create, and do my work there, and i play in there with my daughter too! ( i have a tea party set up in the corner with “gracie china” just for her! haha

so that aside… my favorite thing to do when people come to visit is to take them on a pedal tavern! hahah i’m not kidding! I think they are so funny! I love to be silly, and i love getting myself and my loved ones out of their comfort zone. annnnd it’s a great way to see Broadway! i’m a pedal champ by now.

Also… there is this spot… and I hesitate to even mention it because I almost want to keep it all to myself… but i guess i’ll share 🙂 it’s this unassuming seemingly little spot off charlotte ave called “Soul!” Driving by you would probably have no idea this little magical slice of wonderment existed… at least i didn’t… until i did! Food is great, ambiance and experience even greater! plus, the coooooolest most authentic explosion of decor! it’s just a vibe, and I totally dig it!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My Nana, for accepting me exactly as i am, and giving me confidence to believe in myself, and the power of my dreams. My husband Ty for showing me what unconditional love is, and My Daughter Gracie, who has given me the greatest purpose, power, and renewed strength in life. I’m so blessed.

Website: www.viibehiientertainment.com

Instagram: instagram.com/alexasheamusic

Twitter: twitter.com/alexasheamusic

Facebook: facebook.com/alexasheamusic

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@alexasheamusic

Other: Tiktok: my username is @alexa.shea.music and my personal site is www.alexashea.com

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