Lessons and wisdom from the community

We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.
The most important lesson my career has taught me is you have to stay prayed up and faithful. Success does not come easy. In this business you’re not gonna hear everything you want to hear or even have the support system you may want. Read more>>
One important lesson my business has taught me is failure is absolutely necessary. It’s a saying I always go by, “if you’ve never experienced a rainy day how do you know what a sunny day is?” If you have always been given everything you wanted, never had to work hard for anything, or never dealt with any life obstacles you wouldn’t understand how to handle pressure or difficult moments. Read more>>
You are the only person you can rely on at the end of the day. No one else is going to work as hard as YOU for your dreams. I used to be a House Cleaner, and when Covid first hit in 2020- all of a sudden people were scared to have workers in their house- they didn’t want to get sick and so that stream of income abruptly stopped. Read more>>
You will get out of your business what you put into your business! No one stumbles upon a successful business, and no one builds a business without blood, sweat, and tears. Read more>>
Don’t ever listen to the naysayers. There’s always someone out there that doesn’t want to see you succeed. There’s always someone out there that doesn’t think you can succeed. If you listen to those people and second guess yourself, it’s game over. Read more>>
This is a great question. I would have to say the most important (and valuable) lesson having my business has taught me is how to be a good leader. Read more>>
The most important lesson I would say is when having a business you have to be dedicated & consistent. Learning that nothing comes over night.. and to always take risk. Read more>>
The most important lesson my career has taught me is the power of authenticity. In an industry that often showcases polished images and suggests a certain mold for success, I’ve learned that staying true to myself is not only the key to creating meaningful art but also essential for building a brand and vision that resonate with my audience. Read more>>
The most important lesson I learned in my business/career is to enjoy the journey. In the past, I was so in a rush to get to the big dream that I would miss the valuable experiences. There is no short way to build a business. I know I used to think that all I needed was money for my business to work but now I know I need experience also. Read more>>