It takes a lot more than an idea to build a business, but there can’t be a business without the idea. So we asked folks who’ve built wonderful businesses to tell us about how they came up with the idea in the first place.

The Feetles

Buckle your seatbelts and hold on, this one is a doozy… One fateful day, three doofuses were hanging out. Their names were Harry, Levi, and Sterling. Basically out of no where, Harry says, “Hey, did you guys know that Ringo Starr has feet pictures on the internet?” Sterling and Levi were aghast, and did not believe him. Harry proved it by opening the famous drummer’s Instagram, and lo and behold, Ringo’s feet were there. Then they did the most logical possible thing in response to this: Started a band and named it The Feetles. Read More>>

Dani Dyer

My idea to help men and women love their bodies throughout movement came from never fitting into any class or space because of how I looked.I felt like in a world of women being told they should look a certain way, weigh a certain amount and fit into a particular box; I wanted to create a community that broke the standard and stereotype of what healthy and fit look like. Read More>>

Rachel Lehman

My love for coffee started back in high school when I got my first job at a coffee shop in the late ’90s. From there, I spent the next 12 years working as a barista, trainer, and general manager before opening Crema. Coffee has always fascinated me—not just for its flavors, but for how it brings together both local and global communities. Read More>>

Tamika Marshall

My name is Tamika Marshall, the founder of Lady T Hope Brigade. I started Lady T’s back in 2016 after my own brief battle with Uterine Cancer. Having personally faced the challenges of a cancer diagnosis, I emerged with a deep sense of purpose—to stand strong for others so no one fights alone. Read More>>