Deciding to pursue an artistic or creative career path isn’t for the faint of heart. Challenges will abound, but so many of the artists we speak with couldn’t be happier with their choice. So, we asked them about how they made the decision in the first place.

TariaJaybre` | International Christian Recording Artist

I come from a long line of creative and artistic people. I feel like that is why my musical journey has been so natural for me. I was over exposed to music and performing at a very early age, and I loved how many memories and majical moments it created for my family. Read more>>

Ashley Ave. | Recording Artist | Creative Director

Art chose me. I believe that Art can be a symptom and a cure for trauma. The worst thing that can happen to a free spirit is being oppressed. Art helps me push boundaries and overcome fear. Read more>>

Corinna Nicole | Visual Artist

I chose an artistic career because art was the only subject throughout high school that resonated with me. I absolutely hated math, I didn’t care for the sciences or history classes, I enjoyed writing and languages, but I LOVED the creative arts. Read more>> 

Damia Wood | Cosplayer & Model

I chose this specific creative path due to the impact it has on other people around me. I love the feedback I receive, simply by doing what I love. Read more>>

Beth Barnard | Portrait and Figurative Sculptor

I grew-up with an artistic mother who had a kiln in the basement and did a bit of painting but pouring molds and painting ceramics wasn’t my thing. Instead I’d sit in her studio downstairs and draw faces. Read more>> 

Mike Memphis | Hip-hop Artist & Writer

Well I’ll say it started when I was just a kid lol. Music has always been a part of my life since a very young age. I was always doing something dealing with music whether it was singing in the youth choir or marching with the band at Manassas High. Read more>>

Salem Moran | Producer, Songwriter, Artist

Sometimes, I think artistic careers choose us more than anything else. Being inherently creative and needing to express that part of myself constantly is something that I learned my soul actually needed to cope and survive hard times. Read more>>

Emmanuel Chibuike | Dancer

As an artist it allows me to share my art with the world. I believe I can make a difference in the world by sharing my art and my perspective. I can inspire to change and make people feel certain ways. Dancing is fun. Since I started my dance career it has been fulfilling. Read more>>

Alaska Humphrey | Graphic Designer, Micro-Influencer, & Tennessee State University Biology Scholar

Hello All! It is always so heart warming to me to be able to briefly share my story and remarkably inspire others. As a young girl, my deep passion for art was always evident, and little did I anticipate that it would evolve into something greater, a thriving business now known as Amore’ Graphics. Read more>> 

Bethany Ellis | Curly Hair Specialist

I pursued an artistic/creative career because I knew from a very young age I needed to be able to express myself in my work. I could never have a career just for the pay. I had to have a career I enjoyed & could show my personality in. Read more>>

Nina-Simone Jones | Licensed Stylist, Wigmaker, & Educator

Honestly, as a child I always was pampered. I would get my hair done with my mom or go to the nail salon with her along with my dad’s sisters, so I was introduced to beauty at a young age. Read more>>

Genna Wigginson | American Visual Artist

After many years of avoiding monetization and limiting beliefs, I chose to pursue an artistic career when I realized that there was a real need for my specific artistic and creative abilities. When family and friends began to request commissions on a regular basis, I knew that I needed to form a structured way of servicing them. Read more>>

Ali Murphy | Musician

For me, there wasn’t another option. I knew from a pretty young age that music was what I wanted to pursue. I started taking piano lessons when I was nine, and as I got to high school I just started getting more and more involved in the music program. Read more>>

Wayne Andrews | Arts Council Director

The Arts are the most entrepreneurial endeavor. Artists have spent their time refining a skill allowing them to capture our imagination with their work, music, or writing. Developing their skill can leave a gap in all the tools to connect the wider public with their work. Read more>>

Tijuana Miller | Chocolate Cheri’e Delight, Professional Cosplayer

When I was little, I always loved dressing up. It was one of the things that helped me cope with a traumatic childhood. When I grew up, I assumed that I would have to leave it behind, only getting to indulge in my favorite hobby during Halloween. Read more>>

Dex Morton | Multidisciplinary Artist/Illustrator/Painter

I pursued an artistic and creative career because my passion for creating has been ingrained in me since I was 6 or 7 years old. The act of creating brings me immense joy, and it has been a consistent source of fulfillment throughout my life. I find solace and excitement in the process of bringing my ideas to life through various artistic mediums. Read more>> 

Yolanda “Quiet Storm” Gates | Writer, Poet, Spoken Word Artist

I chose an artistic career path because it’s in me. Like through purpose. I began building towards my career when I was just 8 years old. I had an extreme love for writing creatively and it grew as the years of my life went by. Read more>>