We asked folks to tell us about their favorite quote or affirmation and to tell us what it means to them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Anna Togrye | Sculptor

I love to remind myself of a quote from Mary Oliver’s poem “The Summer Day” that goes: “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” It hits me like a ton of bricks sometimes, knowing that this isn’t a dress rehearsal here, we only get one life and god forbid it’s wasted going through the motions, tamely existing and wasting my opportunity at an extraordinary life.  Read more>>

Anna Togrye | Sculptor

I love to remind myself of a quote from Mary Oliver’s poem “The Summer Day” that goes: “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” It hits me like a ton of bricks sometimes, knowing that this isn’t a dress rehearsal here, we only get one life and god forbid it’s wasted going through the motions, tamely existing and wasting my opportunity at an extraordinary life. Read more>>

Kayce Howard | Entrepreneur & Philanthropist

The phrase “This too shall pass” is one of my favorite quotes because of the significance and timeless wisdom that transcends cultural and historical boundaries. It encapsulates the idea that no situation, whether joyous or challenging, is permanent. The phrase is a succinct reminder of the impermanence of life and the inevitability of change. Read more>>

Maestro Robinson | Actor, Musician, Content Creator, and Social Media Influencer

Yes, definitely! One of my favorite affirmations goes something like this: “There’s no point of being successful if you’re the only one benefiting from it.” For me, success is measured not only by our career wins, but the wins of those around us -family dynamic, business and personal relationships, and how we inspire and encourage the next generations.  Read more>>

Tim Buono | Independent Country Music Artist

My parents always told my siblings and I as we grew up not to chase money, but to find and chase what we love and everything else will fall into place. I have lived by that. When it comes to my music, I make and music that I feel represents me, and try to release the songs that I love, not necessarily the ones that I think will be hits. Read more>> 

Melonie Mulkey | Visual Artist

“Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all relationships, love or the lack of it.” – Mr. Rogers This quote speaks to me so deeply because it acts as a statement of reflection and a call to action. My younger self would have thought of “events” as big successful moments, but as time passes, I realize the biggest events are the ones that happen in the quiet of my life every day. Read more>>

Ashley Clemens | Nutritionist, Health Coach and Personal Trainer

My favorite quote is: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou This has always stuck with me because I realize that the lasting impression you can have on people is how you make them feel in general and also about themselves. Read more>>

Adara Kay | Singer/Songwriter

“If you can’t do it with feeling, don’t.” -Patsy Cline I think about this quote almost everyday of my life. If I can’t write a song and be passionate about it when I sing it, then I don’t. If I can’t cover a song on stage and have people believe what I am singing about, then I don’t. Read more>>

Dawn Pfingsten | Online Content Creator

Do the best you can, until you know better. Then, do better. Read more>>