Decision Makers Series: avoiding decision fatigue by adopting effective habits

There’s a ton of research around how setting habits can help us conserve energy because it reduces the number of decisions we have to make in a day. However, not all habits are created equal and so we’ve asked our community to tell us about the habits they have been most effective for them.
Habits are so underrated when it comes ton achieving your goals, both personal and business wise. I believe there are several habits that really helped me with my business and creative success. One of my habits is to always allowing myself to have a reward, whether it’s an afternoon iced latte or a smoothie from my favorite juice place. Read more>>
Habits that helped me succeed included effective time management, setting daily goals, and prioritizing continuous learning to grow my business. Read more>>
Having a positive outlook has allowed me to navigate challenges most could not comprehend, focus on moving forward, and not backward, and help inspire people all around the world. Read more>>
A healthy balance! Sometimes, we overload ourselves in work & in our businesses that we forget to take time for ourselves. Even when I have dj events back to back, I make sure to find time for myself. I have to give myself that time to decompress & reset. You cannot help anyone if you are not taking care of yourself. Read more>>
My consistency and belief in myself, it’s what keeps me pushing. I’m always hungry and understand that there’s a process and grind to this journey. Read more>>
I believe internships are key, especially as student. My very first internship was in 2016 with ESPN and still to this day it sparks conversation. Id also say using my mentors in the design industry truly helped me succeed. I have been fortunate enough to have very talented mentors around Nashville that have steered and molded me to be a better designer. Read more>>